ReservationMinded's Avatar
can someone clear this up:


I've seen holi2010 and she is not the girl named joy in the review, holi is tattooed up with a nice ass, face, and personality. The girl in the review sounds like a totally different person.

Is this a joke or a fake review?
are you a pimp? just asking...
are you a pimp? just asking... Originally Posted by luxury daphne
what the heck kind of answer is this?

You don't answer a question with a question....

How do I answer this for you......are you a cop?

Thanks reservationminded for bringing this up, I don't know
what to do about this review, I know that's not holi in this review, some kind of way the ads were switched on this review.
Can someone tell us what to do about this mix up?
notanewbie's Avatar
are you his Ho?
exactly what I was thinking
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Yeah, he’s her PIMP …. Every post except 2 are about this chick and she is his only review.

He should be banned just like her ass and this new chick (intensitiviy) should be banned because she is Holi.

http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?p=465101#post46 5101
Big Joe's Avatar
Lol nice work Brooke
Was waiting for someone to catch on...
she was banned in Dallas for a bunch of drama

business is never that bad.. even during Christmas season
onehitwonder's Avatar
Yeah, he’s her PIMP …. Every post except 2 are about this chick and she is his only review.

He should be banned just like her ass and this new chick (intensitiviy) should be banned because she is Holi.

http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?p=465101#post46 5101 Originally Posted by Brooke Wild

Get 'em mama!! Thats why your'e my hero!
Get 'em mama!! Thats why your'e my hero! Originally Posted by onehitwonder
the "guy" you are referring to is a young funeral director, fyi, maybe Brooke is jealous of us, for what reason , I don't know. If you looked into reservationminded, he made it clear he's not comfortable with posting reviews, but he did it for Holi because of people like brooke, drama starters.
Brooke I don't know you and I wish the best to you. Fyi, Holi wouldn't be on this site ever again! Even If you "brooke" paid her to! Real women don't talk down on other women, if you know me or not, don't bring drama towards me or my friend, we didn't do anything to insult you. I haven't seen anything about you brooke, because I haven't looked, and I'm not going to, but seriously do you really hate me? I'm a lovable person and believe it or not, a"lot" of guy's love Holi no matter how many rumors you spread about her! FYI! Have a great day brooke hope to see you soon!!
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
No, real women don't get on the board and have their pimp promote them.
onehitwonder's Avatar
the "guy" you are referring to is a young funeral director Yeah, he almost had me until his phone number was connected with the rest of his "peoples.", fyi, maybe Brooke is jealous of us, Ummm.. yeah, probably not so much. for what reason , I don't know. Really? Seriously? If you looked into reservationminded, he made it clear he's not comfortable with posting reviews, And we're not comfortable reading his/her "reviews" but he did it for Holi because of people like brooke, drama starters. Uh, you mean "drama ender? (is that even a real word? Eh, she'll never know and it works for me.)
Brooke I don't know you and I wish the best to you. As do we all! Fyi, Holi wouldn't be on this site ever again! No doubt. She fixed that all by herself. Even If you "brooke" paid her to! Ummm, don't hold your breath. Most folks don't look good in blue. Real women don't talk down on other women No, real women tend to speak for themselves. if you know me or not, don't bring drama towards me or my friend, Y'all handled that quite nicely, I must say... we didn't do anything to insult you. Except for her intelligence. I haven't seen anything about you brooke, because I haven't looked, and I'm not going to, Probably should have. Could have save yourself a whole lot of embarrassment. but seriously do you really hate me? I'm a lovable person I have no doubt, however thats not what concerning folks. and believe it or not, a"lot" of guy's love Holi no matter how many rumors you spread about her! Really? How IS that workin' out for y'all? FYI! Have a great day brooke hope to see you soon!! Originally Posted by Intensitivity

Good luck to you.....
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Cleanup on isle nine...another pimp bought the dust
yeah, your sh*t stinks too