Ithaca Alert: Lacey

Alerts a tool of last resort. They are very painful since they affect a provider's livelihood and reputation. Generally, I am reluctant to air any opinions about providers in public unless they are strongly positive. I hold to certain beliefs, that those few ladies who have some contact with me will testify. Specifically, I never focus on the physical aspects but take extreme care to see that everyone is treated with immense respect, etc. That does not mean fraud, theft and cheating should become a part of the deal. Caring and concern does not make one a mark. Sometimes I spend an hour of a 2 hour period asking about someone's concerns, problems, listening to their real pains, and sometimes people cry, etc. That is my prerogative and an expensive one at $250/hr. Sometimes I massage backs because there are those who are immensely stressed and I know about these things having fought in wars since the age of 9. Which is another reason why I do not appreciate stupid machismo or cartoons of people hitting each other, and should love to meet these brave gentlemen in lethal combat and watch how their faces change when they understand that this is for real! How about it? Cleverness and violence has its role when you are able to carry it off with some aplomb, and with your bare hands.

However, in contradistinction to men I do idealie women, and perhaps this is foolish. They are humans just like any other. But I have seen more horror than perhaps anyone on this board, and I say this with humility, not out of any spirit of one-upmanship. You will hear me use the word "redemption" and "redemptive exchange" with some frequency for a reason. This entire prologue is to establish that I do not criticie a woman unless the provocation is extreme, and without having tried very, very hard to repair any problems with all the means given to me, and received only the very coarsest of rebuffs.

Additionally, I have certain very strong values that I shall not violate. I have every flaw in the world save for the flaw of bearing false witness. And I am also a person of absolute commitments when I do make them.

In December, on the ITH BP, for very personal reasons, it was found necessary to engage someone. As Fate ordained, there was a very strange and aggressive lady now in jail who was woring as the senior of a team of 3, and brought over a shy and hesitant provider barely 3 weeks into the business. We spoke for over 1 hour of a 2 hour session, the Monday before Christmas. The Monday after Christmas, she called me saying she had exhausted the money given, and had no food, because the senior had taken a cut to buy a car, pay rent etc. etc. I am not a fool, but am moved by the words "no food" even though they may be untrue. My tradition says, if people ask in the name of such things, NEVER SECOND GUESS, give with eyes closed. So, I asked her to come over for an hour, and she showed of her pink and white new cardigan purchsed with the tip received from me, the last time. Mind you, each time, there was a lot of caring interaction, and there is a reason why I do not write reviews. A huge amount of personal information comes pouring out, pain, grief, etc. They are received into a heart that shares that pain and whatever, seeking long-term solutions with extreme vigor and care, because that is what I have been trying to accomplish with my life for more than 5 decades, however disingenuous and self-serving it might sound. And it has a direct bearing on this alert.

Having sounded a warning to this lady about the company she was keeping and having offered several types of alternatives, all of which were dismissed, I lost track because the telephone was switched off after Jan4. This worried me a lot until an Eccie member rediscovered her under another name, apparently having set up on her own. Early March, we had another 2 hr session catching up, when all of her housing and pther problems were discussed, and again late March, a week ago. I have all correspondence, her eagerness [I can't wait to see you!] on record. In between, phone calls, talk of illness, stress, not being able to eat, so a person who communicates at least a little of her life to someone she claims to "like" whatever that might mean.

I worry about someone as a young woman who clearly does not know what is going on but feels she does, and much more besides, that I do not wish to speak about here. So we meet, and there is an immediate dissimulation going on that disturbs me. But we talk about her problems, which as some here know have been stressing her out. She is childish and childlike in the extreme, and very deeply troubles and stressed, existing in an hotel, and completely without a clue how to get her life together, ill and so much more. I cook her dinner, and have already paid her one set of taxi fare, round trip, in addition to 500!!!!!! She said she would come between 2-3 pm but like all past appointments, a 4-5 hour delay is routine, and shows up at 7:15 after online promise after promise, no apologies. This is another issue a VP should not have. Moreover, a super clockwatcher, a second strike, and very, very poor customer relations, a taker, no giver. When I read reviews of Ms. Boyt and my own experiences with Ms. Morozova, I feel "provider" is a misnomer for this young lady: "extractor" would be a better term!

So i cook dinner. On her earlier visits, she has been "starving' and sought food, but did not appreciate that it cut into sessions time! Her minder, Lala, barged in 2x, trying to charge phone batteries, and did not seem to think it cut into session time, either! This is service quality, and the type of service mentality this provider sees her clients as, pure marks to be fleeced. I know there are 2 here who have been satisfied but I don't know how long they have associated with this set or this provider. I think I am the longest, and longest-suffering regular, and only because of this sense of obligation to do something about her future. NO MORE!

So, after dinner, it is well past 8 p.m. and the conversation of the past month's stress continues and so does the massage. Just at 8.55 she needs to see her "friend" about whom there is some extremely tragic events unfolding, and whom she will never again she again in her life! She takes another $44 for taxi fare, that I call, so that she can go to Econolodge and back, promising to return in 2 hours. Guess what?

What hurts me the most is that I tried to create a situation to relieve the hurts she obvously had been suffering, with chocolates [too sweet, not enough nuts, Lake Champlain!], gifts [liked, thank goodness] dinner [liked, but no sour cream, no chocolate syrup, no strawberry kefir either!!, We have a discerning critic here, gentlemen, be warned]. You can see that she feels at home, checking out the fridge, feeling safe, and happy, quarrelling with me like a little child if she feels like it. It is not the money, per se, but the feeling that someone with whom one has built up a feeling of trust, about whom I worry a lot and about whose educational and other career issues I can genuinely help, cannot think straight.

Her provider career is going down the drain, for reasons that are not difficult to discern.S he is not earning enough money and is becoming frantic, attracting an increasingly difficult class of clients. Her attitude is poor, her health is poor, her whole business plan is poor because if clients are offended, how smart is that. If your oldest regular is deliberately humiliated, how much do you understand about the concept of goodwill in business? I have tried my best to communicate with her because a matter of principle is involved. I said I shall truthfully lay this case before ECCIE and let them decide. For me, this is fraud and theft. The theft involves the taxi fare, because in spirit a promise was made, and not kept. The sum was small, but behind it there is another story that I have not related fully.

Moreover it is highly disingenuous of a provider to claim that I received my two hours worth, and say this in such bold words. I did not recive any two hours, to begin with, being shortchanged, even on the clock. Very ugly way of putting things, to a regular patron, who has never treated her in any such manner. I think it says something really horrible about the mind inside that skull. There is an ugly word, "meretricious" that I never use, but it fits in this case.

I have interacted with many hundreds of the finest scholars of this country and understand precisely the trajectory any one will take as soon as someone writes something or opens their mouth. It is an instinct or gift, much like a sports coach develops after a lifetime. So, I feel a lot of pain whenever I see dishonesty and greed taking root in a young person, because the final reckoning is not very pleasant.

It is my contention that we need thoughtful and very high quality TRUE ladies, who deserve that name, such as Ms. Boyt, to drive these marginal, and criminal, PT-crazed Satan-ridden souls into the shadows where they belong. Price and quality go together, and some lessons should be driven home.
Plastic Man's Avatar
maybe try a new hobby that doesnt involve hooks... unless this be the first chapter of some zany book... the alert is someone didnt like your chocolate?
elghund's Avatar
OSD, can you translate this????

Plastic Man's Avatar
OSD, can you translate this???? Originally Posted by elghund
fighting in wars since age of nine needs no explanation
Business plan? Did you ask to see hers? What did it say? Fuck and suck to pay rent, buy food, clothes for my kids, buy some bud, horse, bank some. Did you find that fraudulent as well? Someone dishonest in this hobby? Say it isn't f'n so Joe. Maybe some Escargot and Filet may have changed her attitude. Pork and beans would piss anybody off. Now taxi driving or being a driver is the way to go. I can recommend one...he works errr, ummmm, kinda cheap.
Not an alert as it does tell the reader who to be wary of.
Plastic Man's Avatar
Not an alert as it does tell the reader who to be wary of. Originally Posted by armortib
child soldiers?
moneytalksny's Avatar
Ok.. let's understand this... the rate is $250 / hr. How much time was spent massaging, dining, and eating chocolate. I understand that sometimes clients want to be close to a providers and treat them like girlfriends but you just have to make sure it's a mutual understanding. Otherwise you break a few fundamental rules..
NYhorndog's Avatar
OSD, can you translate this????

elg........ Originally Posted by elghund
I can.......SUCKER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The question is should the alert be on the hooker or on the OP?
That is your call to make. You judge. As I said I do not bear false witness. If you think I am insane, please say so why, and where I have made mistakes, ill-treating a human being. I should withdraw from ECCIE permanently if our values are at such polar opposites.

I take my word seriously, and commitments made very seriously.

In a war zone, an officer, along with his senior-non-coms, takes every wounded soldier out of harm's way regardless of their own lives. These codes have never been questioned in any society since humans began to call themselves such but you take a comfortable side swipe at my sanity, and these codes at a safe remove.

Pray explain how crazy am I since you do not know a lot more of this story. And how should society be warned about me?

My dear sir, I make very serious commitments and do not play with a person on a casual basis by any means. What those commitments imply are not your business but they are there.

So what is it that makes me crazy? Refusing to be mocked by a craven like yourself who has neither the wit nor the decency to carry on a conversation in the company of gentlemen?

Please express your doubts clearly.

Theft is a very, very serious accusation. So is a confidence trick. A Verified Provider is someone who should be above such petty games, which are the province of the lowest rung. Yes or no? That is the point being debated here, not whether I am up to your elevated standards of sanity.

A Verified Provier should maintain a high standard of service and probity, being certified as an ECCIE provider. There should never be any question of trickery and nor should anyone be ranked along with the very best when accused of impropriety. That is the point being put here.

Can you please take the trouble to clearly state your points instead of lazily sending off a single line? If someone accused you of something serious, whether idiocy, insanity, or dishonesty, what would you feel? And, BTW, I have asked someone here before I wrote anything at all. I was disinclined to write and someone urged me to at least put the issue up front here. I needed to describe matters exactly so as to provide as detailed a picture. So someone else is as deranged as I am, or else you are out of line. My guess is that it is the second and the moderators perhaps should take a look.

I am the crazed fool and you the charming sophisticate with all this ducks lined up in a row? Is that the message? "Something useful to say"? Please make it truly so.
Ok.. let's understand this... the rate is $250 / hr. How much time was spent massaging, dining, and eating chocolate. I understand that sometimes clients want to be close to a providers and treat them like girlfriends but you just have to make sure it's a mutual understanding. Otherwise you break a few fundamental rules.. Originally Posted by moneytalksny
Yes, I accept you point but there was a lot of stuff here that I am leaving out for brevity's sake. I am also shy about many things, that I shall pm you about, OK? Then you will understand. At this point, trust me to not be too naive, to not be the sucker some have written, and not be the comoplete idiot I often appear to be. If not trust, then a temporary suspension of disbelief!

The tension and stress you had spoken about had very, very real causes. Multiple ones, VERY serious ones, and continuing. This is not about "girlfriend" issues, but having given you some background, watching someone being pulled into quicksand, and also knowing a bit about the family, etc. etc. too many things to relate here in comfort.

You, **, and this writer take some interest in this person beyond her professional life. Things are going beyond 'bad', and I don't want to see a good person self-destruct. This forum is a way to wake someone up, and it is the only one that will enter that consciousness at this point. Please do your best. The scoundrel whose only goal is to mock me, has no idea of how serious things are. Please pm if you seriously care.
That is your call to make. You judge. As I said I do not bear false witness. If you think I am insane, please say so why, and where I have made mistakes, ill-treating a human being. I should withdraw from ECCIE permanently if our values are at such polar opposites.

By all means. Please save the bandwidth

I take my word seriously, and commitments made very seriously.

In a war zone, an officer, along with his senior-non-coms, takes every wounded soldier out of harm's way regardless of their own lives. These codes have never been questioned in any society since humans began to call themselves such but you take a comfortable side swipe at my sanity, and these codes at a safe remove.

This is a hooker board, not a war zone. Nobody actually questioned your sanity , but you leave that door open with each post you make.

Pray explain how crazy am I since you do not know a lot more of this story. And how should society be warned about me?

My dear sir, I make very serious commitments and do not play with a person on a casual basis by any means.

Wrong. When you decided to play with hookers, you entered the world of casual commitments.

What those commitments imply are not your business but they are there.

You make it everyone's business when you post an Alert. If you want it your business, then keep it to yourself.

So what is it that makes me crazy? Refusing to be mocked by a craven like yourself who has neither the wit nor the decency to carry on a conversation in the company of gentlemen?

It isn't a matter of wit and decency. It is a matter of not wanting to waste my time on someone who loves to hear himself talk , or in this case see himself write in eloquent speech to impress us "cravens".

Please express your doubts clearly.

Theft is a very, very serious accusation. So is a confidence trick. A Verified Provider is someone who should be above such petty games, which are the province of the lowest rung. Yes or no?

They all should be, but they are not, and anyone who has been around the block knows that a VP is no better than any other call girl in that regard. Have you seen the standards for what is required to be a VP?

That is the point being debated here, not whether I am up to your elevated standards of sanity.

A Verified Provier should maintain a high standard of service and probity, being certified as an ECCIE provider. There should never be any question of trickery and nor should anyone be ranked along with the very best when accused of impropriety. That is the point being put here.

Can you please take the trouble to clearly state your points instead of lazily sending off a single line? If someone accused you of something serious, whether idiocy, insanity, or dishonesty, what would you feel? And, BTW, I have asked someone here before I wrote anything at all. I was disinclined to write and someone urged me to at least put the issue up front here. I needed to describe matters exactly so as to provide as detailed a picture. So someone else is as deranged as I am, or else you are out of line. My guess is that it is the second and the moderators perhaps should take a look.

And my guess is that the "someone else" who you asked was happy to give you that advice so that he didn't have to listen to your verbosity any longer. As to the Mods, good luck with that. I am sure they have more on their plates than listening to your form of educated whining.

I am the crazed fool and you the charming sophisticate with all this ducks lined up in a row? Is that the message? "Something useful to say"? Please make it truly so. Originally Posted by greenpeace2014
Hope that was useful to you, because it was 15 minutes of my life I'll never get back , so it was of no use to me.
You mistake whining for the statement of a problem being a fool and a craven. I certainly do question your intelligence and your fitness to be in any company. You are welcome to question my sanity to any degree you choose. Absolute fools like you have little respect from me, because you cannot understand what verbosity means, and why words are used.

The use of the word "hooker" clearly shows what you are made of. Thank you for broadcasting yourself and your character so clearly. Please save your arrogance for the stages of death as they overcome you. I am sure a paragon of virtues and manliness like will be remembered for a life lived in greatness and glory.