Another Study: Majority of U.S. fast-food workers need public assistance

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(Reuters) - More than half of low-wage workers employed by the largest U.S. fast-food restaurants earn so little that they must rely on public assistance to get by, according to a study released on Tuesday.

This ends up costing U.S. taxpayers billions of dollars a year, the study said.

Data from the U.S. Census Bureau and public benefit programs show 52 percent of fast-food cooks, cashiers and other "front-line" staff had relied on at least one form of public assistance, such as Medicaid, food stamps and the Earned Income Tax Credit program, between 2007 and 2011, researchers at the University of California-Berkeley and the University of Illinois said.

The Berkeley study was sponsored by the two universities and received funding from the pro-labor organization Fast Food Forward.

In a concurrent report which drew from some of the same data, the pro-labor National Employment Law Project found that the 10 largest fast-food companies in the United States cost taxpayers more than $3.8 billion each year in public assistance because the workers do not make enough to pay for basic necessities themselves.

"It doesn't matter whether you work or shop at McDonald's or not, the low-wage business model is expensive for everybody," said NELP policy analyst Jack Temple, who worked on the report. "Companies ... are basically pushing off part of their costs on the taxpayers."

The studies follow large nationwide demonstrations in August, when fast-food workers went on strike and protested outside McDonald's, Burger King and other restaurants in 60 U.S. cities, demanding a "living wage" of $15 per hour.

The U.S. fast-food industry generates sales of $200 billion a year.

A spokeswoman for McDonald's Corp said in a statement that the company's franchisees "provide jobs in every state to hundreds of thousands of people" and that these jobs "range from entry-level, part-time to full-time."

"Our history is full of examples of individuals who worked their first job with McDonald's and went on to successful careers both within and outside of McDonald's," the company said.

Burger King Worldwide Inc did not respond to requests for comment. Wendy's Co declined to comment, and Yum Brands Inc did not provide a comment.

Such companies have long said that mostly young people do the entry-level work of flipping burgers or making milkshakes.

The Employment Policies Institute, which has opposed calls for higher fast-food wages in the past, said in a statement that the NELP report "cooked the books to come up with its eye-catching numbers" and did not acknowledge that "nearly one-third of these 'front-line' workers are teenagers, or young adults living with their parents and attending school."

The NELP found that the median age of a fast-food worker was 28, Temple said.

EPI also warned that workers would be worse-off if wages went up because employers would "replace employees with less-costly automated alternatives."

An anti-labor group called Worker Center Watch said the studies lacked credence because they were funded by Fast Food Forward, the labor group that helped organize worker protests.


U.C. Berkeley labor economist Sylvia Alegretto, who worked on the report from her school and the University of Illinois, said the economic recovery did not make life much easier for these workers, who are stuck in a low-wage rut.

"They took it on the chin when the economy was bad, and now that it's better, wages aren't going up," Alegretto said. "In fact, they're making less than their counterparts were 50 years ago."

Alegretto said her team was "very conservative" in estimating the number of low-wage workers, counting only those who worked more than 10 hours a week for at least 27 weeks a year.

The median wage for front-line fast-food workers is $8.94 per hour, according to the NELP's analysis of government data. Many of these jobs are not full-time.

Twice as many fast-food workers enroll in public aid programs than the overall workforce because of the low wages, limited work hours, and skimpy benefits their jobs afford them, according to the Berkeley study.

But even those who work full-time are struggling. More than half of these families are enrolled in public assistance programs, the researchers said. This costs taxpayers nearly $7 billion per year, more than half of which is in health insurance costs.

Overall, families with a working member account for 73 percent of all enrollments, amounting to two-thirds of all public benefits spending, the study said.

In other types of service work, such as maintenance, laundry and personal services, the researchers found that one-third of employees are enrolled in public assistance programs, as were about 30 percent of workers in the retail and hospitality sectors.

The time frame of the Berkeley study includes the 2007-2009 recession and the subsequent years of slow economic growth. During that time, the number of workers eligible for public assistance increased in some states.
Get rid of illegal immigration and watch the working wages of the service industry (and construction, health care, etc) rise rapidly...................

Flooding the American labor market with cheap legal/illegal immigrants is great for the Chamber of Commece and Obama's wall street buddies !
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-16-2013, 09:29 AM
oh no
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Get rid of illegal immigration and watch the working wages of the service industry (and construction, health care, etc) rise rapidly...................

Flooding the American labor market with cheap legal/illegal immigrants is great for the Chamber of Commece and Obama's wall street buddies ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Really?!? Is that Pakistani lady Doctor you're seeing an illegal?
Get rid of illegal immigration and watch the working wages of the service industry (and construction, health care, etc) rise rapidly...................

Flooding the American labor market with cheap legal/illegal immigrants is great for the Chamber of Commece and Obama's wall street buddies ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Really?!? Is that Pakistani lady Doctor you're seeing an illegal? Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
Much as I am loathe to say it, Whirlagay is right. Even a blind squirrel gets a nut once in a while.

Democrats want the pool of dependents and minorities expanded to get more votes and the GOP looks the other way so business has a cheap labor pool.

If businesses got slammed with fines for hiring illegal aliens, they would have to pony up more money to pay Americans to do the manual labor. Since our public schools are pumping out illiterates, we have to do something to give them a working wage not that we have failed to educate them.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 10-16-2013, 04:49 PM
Much as I am loathe to say it, Whirlagay is right. Even a blind squirrel gets a nut once in a while.

Democrats want the pool of dependents and minorities expanded to get more votes and the GOP looks the other way so business has a cheap labor pool. Originally Posted by ExNYer
The minimum wage debate would seem to tell a different story.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So, Doofus. Wages will only rise when government demands it? Supply and demand have no influence? Suppose the number of people willing to work for low pay dries up, what do you have left? People willing to work for higher pay.

How much do burger flippers in North Dakota make?
chefnerd's Avatar
Get rid of illegal immigration and watch the working wages of the service industry (and construction, health care, etc) rise rapidly...................

Flooding the American labor market with cheap legal/illegal immigrants is great for the Chamber of Commece and Obama's wall street buddies ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Much as I am loathe to say it, Whirlagay is right. Even a blind squirrel gets a nut once in a while.

Democrats want the pool of dependents and minorities expanded to get more votes and the GOP looks the other way so business has a cheap labor pool.

If businesses got slammed with fines for hiring illegal aliens, they would have to pony up more money to pay Americans to do the manual labor. Since our public schools are pumping out illiterates, we have to do something to give them a working wage not that we have failed to educate them. Originally Posted by ExNYer
It is quite obvious neither of you has any ACTUAL experience in the food industry. Illegal immigrants driving down wages in the food industry? DOCUMENTATION PLEASE! DEFINE FAST FOOD! From my personal experience, the only illegal immigrants I saw hired were dishwashers and a few buspersons in coffee shop operations similar to Denny's and only because they were the ONLY people who would actually accept the job. Now, if you have definitive evidence to the contrary, feel free to provide it. I have no problem whatsoever admitting I was wrong IF proper documentation is provided gentlemen. Other than that, the vast majority of what I have seen, and yes hired, when I was part of what I would call the food industry, was comprised of students. Mostly high school, but some Community College, because it fit their schedule. Definitely not illegal immigrants. The penalties in California were way too severe.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 10-17-2013, 04:16 AM
So, Doofus. Wages will only rise when government demands it? Supply and demand have no influence? Suppose the number of people willing to work for low pay dries up, what do you have left? People willing to work for higher pay.

How much do burger flippers in North Dakota make? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
When the argument is that we can't increase the minimum wage because fast food restaurants can't afford to pay it, or because it'll destory the economy when the cost of my processed burger increases, or.....because we don't need to raise it since only "kids" work those jobs anyways....

....turning now to the idea that illegal immigrants somehow depress the wages of fast food workers is disingenuous.
Tell us what "proper documentation " you require to admit you are wrong.....its impossible to know what you require to convince you.

Anthony Bourdain agrees with me....

Author and TV star Anthony Bourdain is one of the few chefs who's been willing to speak frankly on the issue. He says the American restaurant industry would be in big trouble if all the illegal immigrants in this country were rounded up and deported. "The bald fact is that the entire restaurant industry in America would close down overnight, would never recover, if current immigration laws were enforced quickly and thoroughly across the board,"..

It is quite obvious neither of you has any ACTUAL experience in the food industry. Illegal immigrants driving down wages in the food industry? DOCUMENTATION PLEASE! DEFINE FAST FOOD! From my personal experience, the only illegal immigrants I saw hired were dishwashers and a few buspersons in coffee shop operations similar to Denny's and only because they were the ONLY people who would actually accept the job. Now, if you have definitive evidence to the contrary, feel free to provide it. I have no problem whatsoever admitting I was wrong IF proper documentation is provided gentlemen. Other than that, the vast majority of what I have seen, and yes hired, when I was part of what I would call the food industry, was comprised of students. Mostly high school, but some Community College, because it fit their schedule. Definitely not illegal immigrants. The penalties in California were way too severe. Originally Posted by chefnerd
All the blacks working fast food are illegal ? I thought they were illegitimate.
Chipotle had to fire almost half of it's employees (in Minnesota) because of a crack down on illegal immigrants working in the fast food industry.

Dependence on illegal labor is the elephant in the room for the U.S. restaurant business. And experts say the Chipotle ICE investigations are a wake-up call for an industry that is one of America's biggest employers and generates over $300 billion in annual sales, according to research firm IBISWorld Inc.

The Pew Hispanic Center -- whose demographic and labor market work is highly regarded -- estimated in a 2009 report that 12 percent of the workforce in food preparation and serving in 2008 was undocumented. That percentage is likely significantly higher in the fast food sector.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-17-2013, 12:13 PM
When the argument is that we can't increase the minimum wage because fast food restaurants can't afford to pay it, or because it'll destory the economy when the cost of my processed burger increases, or.....because we don't need to raise it since only "kids" work those jobs anyways....

....turning now to the idea that illegal immigrants somehow depress the wages of fast food workers is disingenuous. Originally Posted by Doove

sure its disingenuous .. big word for lie

consider the source
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Explain the wages of fast food workers in North Dakota. Why is McDonalds in Bismarck offering a $200 signing bonus?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-17-2013, 01:03 PM
Explain the wages of fast food workers in North Dakota. Why is McDonalds in Bismarck offering a $200 signing bonus? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

because there's so many illegal aliens lined up at the door taking work away from American citizens Bismark HAS to offer a signing bonus ?