Yesterday was not a good day to be a tea bagger. They not only went down in a humiliating defeat to the Prez. But they suffered further humiliation when Obama's buddy, Cory Booker, kicked even more of the life out of 'em.

Hmmmm, I wonder if Senator Booker is a Muslim who was born in Kenya!
Stan.Dupp's Avatar
Yesterday was not a good day to be a tea bagger. They not only went down in a humiliating defeat to the Prez. But they suffered further humiliation when Obama's buddy, Cory Booker, kicked even more of the life out of 'em.

Hmmmm, I wonder if Senator Booker is a Muslim who was born in Kenya! Originally Posted by bigtex
I think I posted this in the other thread, but all this "crazy crap" from the tea party Repubs helped Corey Booker...haha

Let's see these idiots try this again when the debt ceiling comes up.

The Gubernatorial elections will be right around the corner! By the way, what these idiots did was cause close to a million jobs from these stunts, and slow our economic grow even more!

A lot of people are pissed off at the Repubs right now.

A lot of people are pissed off at the Repubs right now. Originally Posted by Stan.Dupp
As well they should be!
Hey Stan Dope; the Tea Party had nothing to do with a Booker win..............the Democrats have controlled that state top to bottom, they have for decades.....there was no way a conservative Republican was going to take Lautenberg's seat.............

BTW, NJ is one of the highest tax states in the union......and one of the worst economies............

Connect the dots dude.

I think I posted this in the other thread, but all this "crazy crap" from the tea party Repubs helped Corey Booker...haha

Let's see these idiots try this again when the debt ceiling comes up.

The Gubernatorial elections will be right around the corner! By the way, what these idiots did was cause close to a million jobs from these stunts, and slow our economic grow even more!

A lot of people are pissed off at the Repubs right now. Originally Posted by Stan.Dupp
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Booker is one of the Dems' fair haired boys. The people love him, especially in the northern part of the state, which is heavily, er, Newark!

Tea Party isn't a factor there... But the R's have been trying to talk the state for a long time. They had no chance in this one.

Expect to see Sen. Booker on a larger stage one of these days.

Good man.

and oh yeah, you DON'T think the TP and GOP took one on the shorts as a result of the latest fiasco, Girlyturd? Really? You and Rafael can continue claiming victory!
Hey Stan Dope; the Tea Party had nothing to do with a Booker win..............the Democrats have controlled that state top to bottom, they have for decades.....there was no way a conservative Republican was going to take Lautenberg's seat.............

BTW, NJ is one of the highest tax states in the union......and one of the worst economies............

Connect the dots dude. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I connected the "dots dude." And this is what I found out:

Since 1990, New Jersey has had 10 Governors. 5 have been Republican and 5 Democrat.

In addition, of the last 7 US Senators from New Jersey, 4 have been Republican and 3 Democrat.

But who's counting, right Trendy?

With all of those Repubes in control, no wonder NJ is "one of the highest tax states in the union....and one of the worst economies....."
BigTex; I am well aware of the history of governors in NJ............the last republican senator to win an election was Chase in 1972 - that is 41 years ago you fucking dummy !

Are you claiming NJ isn't a dominate Democratic state ?

Are you claiming that Lautenberg's seat should have been a shoe in for the Republican candidate?

WTF are you actually telling us other than the fucking obvious ?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I think he's calling you an asshole.

I know I am!
T-BoneBooker is another fraud..........like Elizabeth (MeInjun) Warren.........
"...but there is a difference between the fibs of Warren and those of Booker. Warren is a standard-issue fake affirmative action baby. She claimed to be an Indian in order to take advantage of her employers’ racial preferences. That’s deplorable, but not psychologically suspect.

Booker’s is a somewhat different case. He created a fictional character — an imaginary friend named T-Bone, as Eliana calls him — who supposedly taught Booker the realities of urban life..."
BigTex; I am well aware of the history of governors in NJ............the last republican senator to win an election was Chase in 1972 - that is 41 years ago you fucking dummy ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Apparently you are unaware that the current US Senator from NJ that Booker will be replacing is a Republican who was put into office by a Republican Governor in a so called "dominant democratic state."

"You fucking dummy !"
A republican who was put in office; not ELECTED !

You are complete idiot if you are saying NJ isn't a Democratic stronghold state..............

Why do you think Christi called for an early election to replace Lautenberg ?

Because he didn't want all those Democrats turning out when he is running for office next month.
A republican who was put in office; not ELECTED !

Hey big dummy TX; are you saying a Republican could win a senate seat in NJ today ? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Today, perhaps!

Yesterday, NO!

"You fucking dummy !"
You are complete idiot......................... ....
You are complete idiot......................... .... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
The above was brought to us by the very same "fucking dummy " that repeatedly reminded us:


Lonegan ran as an unabashed Constitutional Conservative - A Tea Party Conservative.

The NJ Democratic machine did everything they could to tarnish Lonegan with the TP label, thinking it would help TBoneBooker who started his campaign with a 20+ point advantage.

Lonegan lost to TBoneBooker by only 10%.

Just 12 months ago Obama beat moderate Republican Romney by 18%.
Sen. Menendez won his senate seat by 20% against a moderate republican candidate.

Lesson: Tea Party candidates (and their idea of small government and low debt) do better than soft republicanism, even in states that are overwhelmingly Democrat !