Encounter: Not so Sunny at Harmony Massage

User ID: -
Date: 3/4/24
Name: Sunny
Phone: (210) 310-3702
Email Address: -
URL / Website: -
City: San Antonio
State: Texas
Address: Thousand Oaks
Activities: Massage, L1, L2, L1 finish
Hair Length and Color: Black hair up in a bun
Age: 40-45
Smoking Status: Non-Smoker
Ethnic Background: Asian
Physical Description: About 5’ with a nice pair of natural tits with eraser nipples. A little on the thicker side and slightly bigger ass than normal Asian
Recommendation: No
  • Mimic
  • 03-04-2024, 02:49 PM
someone tell her about cost of living
Oh I definitely brought that up ��
Don’t bet on it. I saw some girls in Boston and they were on the pretty much the same price point as SA. Only about $20 higher.
naughty4u1976's Avatar
Apparently Mr. 200 has the unique ability to avoid GPS and still get stellar service wherever he goes.

I almost made a negative comment on his post the other day, but I wanted to hold my tongue until after THIS actually happened....

Last time I went to Harmony (against my better judgement) based on his intel...

- I waited 45 minutes for the "reviewed provider".
-Was hooked with Extreme GPS.
- Was shorted. My appt lasted 40min even tho I paid for 1hr.
I waited longer than my appt lasted.
-Received poor service
-Was out $250 based on bad intel.
-Turns out the "reviewed provider" wasnt even working at Harmony even though I visited the very next day after his review posted to Eccie.

I would never have done ANY OF THIS if I didnt trust his views and intel on the boards.

Hard Lesson Learned...

Harmony hasn't changed AT ALL concerning rampant GPS.

Nothing will kill a service industry business faster than entitled providers who want too much money for poor service.

Not once in my 25+ years
of hobbying has (me) caving into an Entitled/GPS providers demands ever paid off with better service.

90% of the time, I find GPS girls are far worse with poor attitudes, poor service and shorting.

Dont waste your money.
Just walk.
Stand up to GPS and send these girls a message.

I am certain GhostFace isn't happy about being tricked into visiting Harmony on bad intel either.
If you're getting hit with over priced service or poor service in general, you may be the cause. Be freshly showered, shaved, and have fresh breath. You'd be surprised how hygiene doesn't even cross some dudes minds and they can't understand the problem.. Do a finger swipe across your lower area, between leg and sack.. now sniff. Lol if it's disgusting to you then you bet they are grossed out. Also, it helps to be good looking, so avoid being ugly 🤣
+1 Sladeboy. LMAO on the ugly. Since I'm fat and ugly I make sure I can check the hygiene boxes and a nice personality and I've never had a problem anywhere. All the girls love papa! Or they mostly like my friends Franklin and Jackson.
And I meant no disrespect to the OP, I thought I should add that in case it could help someone. Yes, in the end it is the money that talks, but they're human like us all and nobody likes fumunda cheese...no matter how much you pay them.