The time is now for those military tribunals!

It seems as if the Supreme Court has handed Joe Biden a walk off grand slam!
Time to put that orange turd in jail with one of those military tribunals that he keeps talking about!
I mean what good is absolute
immunity if you don't use it right?
And 1/6 would make that orange turd a enemy of democracy!
Give that piece of shit a tribunal of his own for even suggesting such actions against great
Americans like Liz Cheny and Mr.Kinzinger. People that actually
made sacrifices for this country.
Not like captain bonespurs who
called veterans that made the
ultimate sacrifice sucker's and
In front of a marine four star general no less, and at Belleau wood!
There is no more sacred ground to a marine except perhaps Chesty Pullers grave site!
What a moron!
The only sucker and losers
are those assholes still carrying
this traitorous son of a bitches water!
Milly can preside I'm sure he would enjoy that!
We can give Moscow mitch one too, the charge can be political malfeasance!
It's a real hoot the MM decided that Trump was someone else's problem, and now Dickhead Donnie wants to give him a tribunal too!
winn dixie's Avatar
What nothing to say?
All of the bullshit that's gets slung in this part of the forum when some truth is spoken you all got nothing to say???
This dictatorial Dickhead talks all of this shit and you all got nothing?
Not even a yeah we need military tribunals?
Not gonna back the orange turd up on this?
How about project 2025?
When these assholes are done with you, you won't even be able to buy a fucking condom!
We DO need miltary tribunals, for the pieces of shit that been suggestsuch actions take place!
How about those internment camps?
Yes we can put the redical right in them until its their turn to go see judge Milly!
So how long will the second American revolution remain bloodless?
And do any of the right wing morons on here have the balls to go into combat for who.... Trump?
All talk, yeah I ha e no doubt you got your Tim Mcveys out there, that are willing to load up a van with explosives like in OC and kill a bunch of kids!
But DO YOU have the balls to engage in open combat on that douchbags behalf?
I mean everybody with the except one that I can think on here have never served anybody but themselves.
You would lose, liberals have guns too!
And they have the numbers!

It seems as if the Supreme Court has handed Joe Biden a walk off grand slam!
Time to put that orange turd in jail with one of those military tribunals that he keeps talking about!
I mean what good is absolute
immunity if you don't use it right?
And 1/6 would make that orange turd a enemy of democracy!
Give that piece of shit a tribunal of his own for even suggesting such actions against great
Americans like Liz Cheny and Mr.Kinzinger. People that actually
made sacrifices for this country.
Not like captain bonespurs who
called veterans that made the
ultimate sacrifice sucker's and
In front of a marine four star general no less, and at Belleau wood!
There is no more sacred ground to a marine except perhaps Chesty Pullers grave site!
What a moron!
The only sucker and losers
are those assholes still carrying
this traitorous son of a bitches water!
Milly can preside I'm sure he would enjoy that!
We can give Moscow mitch one too, the charge can be political malfeasance!
It's a real hoot the MM decided that Trump was someone else's problem, and now Dickhead Donnie wants to give him a tribunal too!
Nice! Originally Posted by Big Daddy Joe
The only way to truly MAGA is for donnie to disappear for good. He's done nothing but divide this country from day one. He needs to take a dirt nap. Pronto.
... This seems to be a sad Attack Thread calling for violence.

I don't believe these threads should be welcome.

Maybe Big Daddy Joe can clarify some of his remarks
and show that he's NOT calling for violence.

#### Salty
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 07-06-2024, 03:25 PM
Liberals have guns and the numbers?

I can assure both are incorrect.

But what we don't have are lunatics wishing for the boogaloo.
Liberals most certainly have the numbers. A simple Google search proves that.