Shocking Repudiation of the Democratic Party

Those were the words of Joe from Morning Joe already this morning.

He and Mika just seem devastated and demoralized with the Democrat Party this morning.

It's interesting this morning listening to the Dems pundits second guessing everything that took place last night.

The Republican gains in the House, the apparent holding of the Senate by Republicans(go Mitch and Lindsey), Trumps holding his ground still.

They even blamed the massive Florida loss on AOC.

It's fun watching them implode and eat their own.
Agree but Trump isn't out of the woods yet. Assuming he gets GA NC and PA he still needs MI which is looking good.
Oh, Trump is by no means a given, but the crux of their discussion was that the supposed "Blue Wave" that was their expectation didn't come to fruition in any way shape or form.

They had such high hopes for the House, the Senate and the Presidency being a mandate from the voters. It just didn't happen and they can't explain it.
Agree with you completely!
Oh, Trump is by no means a given, but the crux of their discussion was that the supposed "Blue Wave" that was their expectation didn't come to fruition in any way shape or form.

They had such high hopes for the House, the Senate and the Presidency being a mandate from the voters. It just didn't happen and they can't explain it. Originally Posted by eccielover

What makes it even more of a surprise is how the big media players of NBC, CNN, CBS, ABC have done a non stop propaganda push against Trump and Republicans and for Democrats. I read within the last few months that 92% of the stories they posted about Trump were negative.

It would be nice if the press would go back to reporting facts instead of sensationalism. It would also be nice if they went after the Democrat Party corruption. You can't have a nation of laws when you only hold one political party accountable to following the law.
ICU 812's Avatar
The Great Blue Ripple . . . .

That sucking sound is the tide going out .
WTF's Avatar
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  • 11-04-2020, 06:12 AM
Agree but Trump isn't out of the woods yet. Assuming he gets GA NC and PA he still needs MI which is looking good. Originally Posted by NoHandle
Michigan is looking good for Trump?

Looks more like an automatic recount in their future.

LexusLover's Avatar
The Great Blue Ripple . . . .

That sucking sound is the tide going out . Originally Posted by ICU 812
It looks like at the least:

Packing the Court
Socialized medicine
Eradication of fossil fuels
Open borders
Free shit for everyone
Major tax increase
25TH amendment on Bitten

are OUT! TrumpISM lives .... and Bitten & Sun get INVESTIGATED!

"The shoe is on the other foot soon enough!"
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-04-2020, 07:06 AM
Anybody else notice that LL always comes out the day AFTER an election.

It's just not the DNC, it's the media and tech giant assault on Trump, conservatives and Republicans.

You knew they were panicked when they started stuffing ballot boxes and blamed COVID.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-04-2020, 07:36 AM
It's just not the DNC, it's the media and tech giant assault on Trump, conservatives and Republicans.

You knew they were panicked when they started stuffing ballot boxes and blamed COVID. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Stuffing ballot boxes is called VOTING. Jesus.

Let the states count their results and live with the results.

Sounds like you already know Trump is going to lose and you're already making excuses.

  • oeb11
  • 11-04-2020, 08:13 AM
WTF - got One thing "Right"
Stuffing ballot boxes and voter fraud is the DPST method of 'voting" - it is their electoral dna from time of the Democrat party Tammany hall - to JFK and LBJ, with a large dose of chicago daly machine politics, and on and on.

if they did not cheat - DPST party would not exist!

But after all - 'history' is racist - and should be condemned to the trash heap - along with math , science, and civics.

DPST teacher's Unions schools teach socialism - it is ll they know and all they can comprehend to teach.

Stalin would be so proud of the DPST party!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It’s not over boys.

The Reich is losing control and Biden will likely pull it out.

Is there any question that Twitler will be claiming victory last night before millions of ballots were cast?

Stand by, fellas, he’s going down.

You are al acting SO surprised that it’s taking so long to count. Not like counting your nuts...
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Those were the words of Joe from Morning Joe already this morning.

He and Mika just seem devastated and demoralized with the Democrat Party this morning.

It's interesting this morning listening to the Dems pundits second guessing everything that took place last night.

The Republican gains in the House, the apparent holding of the Senate by Republicans(go Mitch and Lindsey), Trumps holding his ground still.

They even blamed the massive Florida loss on AOC.

It's fun watching them implode and eat their own. Originally Posted by eccielover

repudiation? meh.. its more like a ripple.
  • Tiny
  • 11-04-2020, 09:16 AM
Repudiation of Democrats my ass. It looks to be a repudiation of Donald Trump, and a confirmation of the wisdom of our founders, when they wrote the Constitution in a way that balances democracy and freedom.

If our presidency and legislatures were decided only based on national popular vote the Democrats would have a clean sweep. But the Senate should stay under Republican control. That means no end of the filibuster, no court packing, no extortionate taxation, and smaller deficits. Democrats won’t pass whatever legislation they want, without any input from the duly elected representatives of the 48% of Americans who didn’t vote for them.

Trump’s probably going to lose. This is a repudiation in part of the way he responded to Covid. I believe lives were lost as a result. You can disagree and say the economy has done better than it would have during Covid with a Democrat president. Fair enough. But irregardless his messaging lost him the election. He ridiculed people who wear masks. He questioned the intelligence and integrity of doctors and our top infectious disease experts. And what else? He lies, even more than most politicians. He appears to be incapable of studious analysis. He’s overconfident. He asked the president of Ukraine to investigate a political opponent and an absurd conspiracy theory, apparently as a quid pro quo for military aid authorized by Congress.

I’m not looking forward to seeing my friends out of work as a result of Biden’s plans to kneecap the oil and gas industry. But I understand why some people voted for him