delete auto sign in ?

rjdiner's Avatar
After a buddy of mine got busted by his wife when she got on his computer and discovered ECCIE, I would like to change a setting so I am REQUIRED to use my login and password every time I open the ECCIE site.
Right now when I open this site I am already logged in. I went through all of user settings I can think but cannot get the required result.

Anybody out there that can point me in the right direction?
brutusbluto's Avatar
I think if you clear your cookies, that removes the auto login. But you would need to do it after every time you use the site. The easiest way is to have the menu bar on the toolbars.

In Internet Explorer:

Click Tools
Click Delete browsing history

Additionally, when you sign in, do not click on the remember me box at sign in.

Hope that helps!

Torito's Avatar
Could it be that you clicked "Remember Me" on the login page? I believe that is what it does.

Okay folks here are the basics, always click both tabs at log in, always log out (not just close) and always clear your browsing history. This is really necessary for anyone that needs to keep this secret from friends and family.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 11-08-2010, 08:17 PM
Most of the good browsers nowadays have a setting that you can use to automatically clear the cookies, temporary Internet file areas, etc. when you close the browser.
geck's Avatar
  • geck
  • 11-09-2010, 10:39 PM
Download the Google Chrome web browser:

It has this great "Incognito Window" in which you can go into stealth mode. Of course, you have to log into everything (it keeps no cookies or history of your browsing). It's also just a great browser.
Use a 2nd browser for playing.
Hide it in deep in programs list.
Remove from start list at every use.
My advice? Take geck's advice!
JRLawrence's Avatar
After a buddy of mine got busted by his wife when she got on his computer and discovered ECCIE, I would like to change a setting so I am REQUIRED to use my login and password every time I open the ECCIE site.
Right now when I open this site I am already logged in. I went through all of user settings I can think but cannot get the required result.

Anybody out there that can point me in the right direction? Originally Posted by rjdiner
It sounds like you maybe using a Mac. When you sign in do not check the remember me box. it will tell your computer to remember the password.

Go to the applications folder, find "Utilities" at the bottom of the list. Find "Keychain", You will find a type of password called Login. ECCIE will be posted under the name. (Left column) Get in there and delete the password from within Key Chain to keep it from giving you an automatic access. Sometimes it takes some patience to get it out.

Good luck,