This may or may not be well recieved but after reading thru coed I have to ask..
Providers posting..carefully placed marketing tool? or just making conversation?
Consider this post I am making..It will in fact attract some men liking me..some men disliking will in some way possibly impact a guy wanting now to see me, get my name out there, keep my name out there etc etc etc..
In theory, isn't almost everything a female post on here an ad? a marketing tool? an attempt to simply gain more attention?
Look through coed.. You have everything from people needing love, wanting to give better bj tips, to "what do you think about this" type stuff including mine. I am in not above it.. I get it.. posting impacts and gives clues into people and can influence male members. But what about the carefully placed veiled ads?
The i'm gonna rant, but try to convince you I am not ranting in hopes to gain some affection, attention and hopefully business. And it works hook line and sinker.. The guys take the bait, jump on to WK a woman in need, pat her on the head and think they saved the day.. Business is probably slow, often times when the "look at me post" appears thats exactly the problem and considering I know for a fact a few are experiencing JUST THAT..a lack of business or the results they desire..they do the "pity me" please post..and it works. Its carefully placed and NOT often overused, and I will read them, and I think surely someone has called these people out..surely someone tells the guys to grow a fucking pair and call a spade a spade.. quit playing the pity party and wiping the girls ass that can't cut it and don't allow the game to be played..unfortunately it simply reinforces what I have known now for 8 years.. For every girl wanting to utilize the "pity party" there are numerous guys willing to jump on board..they gotta feel like they are "lifting her up".. it works, I get it.. its smart business.. I have a niche.. other girls need one..
But why does it work? Is it worth it? Does it not suck to not be able to be yourself, just be yourself and get to express your honest to goodness thoughts. Not have to rely on the games and the attention grabbers and praying on the guys out there that fall into the trap of the "hey WK's cum give me a pick me up..i'm down right now".. Is it not more obvious? is it not as unattractive as say..oh i don't know.. THE RANTS I GO ON LIKE THOS ONE?
I don't know.. I just like to believe most hobbyiest get it.. that we are all adults here, that I have never seen in the professional world (and lets face it majority of the guys here are professionals)..I have never seen a guy or girl show up to work and say "oh im having a bad day..cum kiss my ass and hold my hand and make the sell for me please".. no that doesn't happen.. so why do guys enable it here? why is it attractive? i mean I understand that the guy gets to go away thinking "oh i was there for a girl in need"..i get it.. but really?
So guys.. what do you think..even this post.. i know..attention getter.. But do many of you consider the post made by providers to pretty much all be a means to market..whatever small way..its still just one more marketing tool? right? or is it truly just a girl sharing thoughts?