Free ways you can help!

1ThickBlond's Avatar
Can you spare a few moments each day to help feed hungry people and animals? The following sites are absolutely free and an easy way you can help out.

The first two links you just click on and answer a simple daily trivia question. It doesn't even matter if you answer correctly, they donate 10 pieces of 'kibble' for each person that plays each day to animal shelters to feed hungry dogs and cats. You can play when you feel like it or sign up for an e-mail reminder everyday so you won't forget. I know it doesn't sound like much but it adds up, it's free, and it's easy.

This next one actually donates 10 grains of rice for each question you answer correctly. You choose your category and the difficulty of your questions. You can choose from art, English, chemistry, geography, language learning, and math. You can play as long as you like so if you have some time to kill this is a pretty cool way to do so.

If you know of any other sites like those listed above feel free to add them.
1ThickBlond's Avatar
Thank you Sarah!
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 01-13-2011, 06:16 PM
I just signed up. Thanks OneThickBlond
1ThickBlond's Avatar
Thank you Reese!
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Im in
1ThickBlond's Avatar
Thank you Sweet N Little!