gman44's Avatar
This is just something that I noticed and I wondered if anyone else noticed it When you look up and actor on their credits page the date of their birth changes. I have looked up Eugene Levy before and the date of his birth was 1944 and now it says 1946 The same for Robert Englund which it said he was born in 1949 and now it says 1947 I know it seems kind of silly but I notice these things
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
coast_encounter's Avatar
I am on IMDB all the time and I guess I have never really paid attention to it. Does it ever change back ? Since it is a database, I wonder if it was an indexing problem ? Good catch Geniusman
Precious_b's Avatar
I use IMDB (Thanks Roger and Ebert) to find info but never b-dates.
Just recently started account so I could post about a movie.

I'll keep that in mind if someone uses it to find age of an actor.
Never noticed that before when I'm checking actors and movies on there. I use that site to "research" my future ex husbands.