What could be done.......today......to fix world peace?

Nuke 'em.
rioseco's Avatar
I don't know that anything could be done short of the second coming of Christ.I am told that the prelude to that will bring about more fear,famine,disease,pestilence and war like the world has never seen. I hope someone has a better answer and we can implement it.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I don't know that anything could be done short of the second coming of Christ. Originally Posted by rioseco
Chit, the majority of the world is still waiting for the first coming of Christ.

But at least you've now revealed yourself as a ignorant, bible-thumping fuck.
rioseco's Avatar
Chit, the majority of the world is still waiting for the first coming of Christ.

But at least you've now revealed yourself as a ignorant, bible-thumping fuck. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

I thought you wished to put partisianship aside for the holiday weekend. You as much said in your post that only stupid fuckers were unable to do so !
I didnt say all the world believed in Christ or that they should. The difference in me is I am not afraid of ridicule when expressing my opinions.....notice I left the door open and said if someone had a better idea than the prementioned pestilence and wars to come please let us implement that now.
Where is your offer at Yssup ? What do you propose other than slander and name calling ?
I thought the original post sought answers, a means to an end of the turmoil. You love the turmoil, you and your ilk are both the reason and the cause of turmoil in this world.
Chit, the majority of the world is still waiting for the first coming of Christ.

But at least you've now revealed yourself as a ignorant, bible-thumping fuck. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Wouldn't expect a Shit Eater to respect someone else's religion when the Shit Eater does not even respect his own religion.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Assup cant help himself.
I don't know that anything could be done short of the second coming of Christ.I am told that the prelude to that will bring about more fear,famine,disease,pestilence and war like the world has never seen. I hope someone has a better answer and we can implement it. Originally Posted by rioseco
With all due respect, compared to what has happenned in the centuries after the first coming of Jesus Christ, we are living in rather peaceful times.
rioseco's Avatar
With all due respect, compared to what has happenned in the centuries after the first coming of Jesus Christ, we are living in rather peaceful times. Originally Posted by Jackie S

That is true. However some say it will be far worse before the return. I am not saying so to offend or convince anyone. I know I am not one to preach the gospel to anyone. Yssup took offense just because I mentioned it. Not my intent to offend any faith. I do wonder why muslims are not attacked and caledl names by the left though.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Anyone? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Well a first small step WW is to look in the mirror, before we tackle world issues we have to fix problems at home.
When we have a POTUS who is elected fairly and wins 2 elections and we have people who didn't vote for him constantly wish for his downfall every single day we will never get anywhere.

I am amazed of all people that you would start a "Peace" thread when you have hatred for your own POTUS. If everyone is going to be a sour grape because the person you vote for didn't win we will never get anything accomplished.

Education is also a small step- we have to get people educated and to become working and productive citizens in this country.

People need to vote- although it would never happen in this country- but I wouldn't be against a law where you would get fined if you didn't vote- there's one country - can't recall where if you don't vote you could get fined or face jail time.
It really amazed me of the stupidity of a lot of people in this country- people will camp outside for hours for an Iphone or for Black Friday sales and yet won't take that time out to stand in a line to vote on issues that will affect this country in the long run- and I could care less what party you vote for- get out and fucking vote.

Keep in mind, I am African American- why does it take a Trayvon Martin or a Mike Brown incident to get AA's united? If I take all those people who are protesting in Ferguson- I bet less than 5 percent of them voted in this past mid term elections.

So before we tackle world peace we need to fix problems at home.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
it's all about pushing your superstitious, religious, mythological agenda on others, or using it as a measuring stick for real life in the real world.

After all the shit that flown out of that gaping maw you call a mouth for the past few weeks, who could possibly believe that anything you say is sincere, other of course, than your endless stream of primitive hate talk about anybody whose not ignorant trailer trash like you and SLOBBRIN.

You probably really believe that the "second coming of Christ" is going to "fix race relations now." I don't doubt for a moment that's what you pray for every night.

Keep praying, Rioseco. And try and be sincere.
I B Hankering's Avatar

It really amazed me of the stupidity of a lot of people in this country- people will camp outside for hours for an Iphone or for Black Friday sales and yet won't take that time out to stand in a line to vote on issues that will affect this country in the long run- and I could care less what party you vote for- get out an fucking vote.
Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
LMAO chicken dick hankering has jumped on the emoticon band wagon.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I B Hankering's Avatar
LMAO chicken dick hankering has jumped on the emoticon band wagon. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Chicken-head Eatkum the Inbred Chimp quit sucking dick long enough to post something other than an emoticon.

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider