The Sunday Morning News Shows........the ultimate in Naïveté combining with Stupidity.

Good Lord. Call he Pope. The Beatification of Michael Brown must be the next item on the agenda.

In the mean time, the Thugs, Street Punks, Thieves, Drug Dealers, Hyjackers, and those who cause general mayhem in communities are cheering.

"Get the Police off our backs" is their rallying cry. And all of these liberal minded pundits are too damned naive and stupid to see it.

In the mean time, an honorable Police Officer's life is in ruins because a young punk street thug made a very stupid decision.

The person responsible for the death of Michael Brown is Michael Brown.

One interesting point has been brought up. Since Michael Brown was still living at home, and a dependent of his parents, officer Wilson might very well have a legitimate cause for action against them in the form of a civil law suite for allowing their Son to behave in such a lawless manner.

That would be classic.
LexusLover's Avatar
Since Michael Brown was still living at home, and a dependent of his parents, officer Wilson might very well have a legitimate cause for action against them in the form of a civil law suite for allowing their Son to behave in such a lawless manner. That would be classic. Originally Posted by Jackie S
From his history it might end up being a class action with the city and county joining to recoup the cost of "babysitting" him in is crime spree and/or acting in the capacity expected of his parents.
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  • WTF
  • 11-30-2014, 10:34 AM
You think parents should be sued by the State if their children break the law! That is not giving the state much power over it's citizens now is it?

So you two think the city can sue the Brown's and recoup losses? LL, can you cite the SC case? Or where it says so in the Constitution implied or implicit.

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The Sunday Morning News Shows Originally Posted by Jackie S
You must have watched NBC's 'Meet the Press'.

I did.

All I got from that bullshit, liberal program and it's bullshit, liberal, black guests was...

If a police officer sees a crime being committed by a black person, or knows of a crime committed by a black person, that police officer should just let it go.
Don't try to stop it. Don't arrest them. Just let them go ahead and have at it.

To do otherwise would be a violation of their precious "civil rights".

That's fucked up!

Fuck that .
I watched ABC's version of "let's all kiss Al Sharpton's ass" as well.

Bill Kristol tried to interject some sanity, but you could tell he was walking that fine line of outright being called a racist.

These people are Fukin' pathetic.
If we(us) quit watching them. They will die a capitalist death. WIN WIN!

Now, we have to watch out for the Ozombies fucking with our internet. It's coming... NO DOUBT!
Wonder who is dumber the ones putting on the program or the viewers?
Wonder who is dumber the ones putting on the program or the viewers? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
I'm sure the one's who let their union tell them.
I'm sure the one's who let their union tell them. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Are you a union woman whiffy? You keep bring it up proudly.
This clip here from Meet The Press shows how die hard leftist simply do not want to here the truth and face the facts? Andrea Mitchell's response in particular is classic.
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  • WTF
  • 12-01-2014, 12:23 PM
This clip here from Meet The Press shows how die hard leftist simply do not want to here the truth and face the facts? Andrea Mitchell's response in particular is classic. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Serious question. ..Does a hard core leftist sound as stupid to you as a hard core rightie. You know one like JD.

I personally think they all sound like parrots.

Serious question. ..Does a hard core leftist sound as stupid to you as a hard core rightie. You know one like JD.

I personally think they all sound like parrots.

Originally Posted by WTF
Extremes that are based on a false primis is what this thread is about.

Just look at the reaction of Andrea Mitchell when someone actually presented her with what is the truth of the entire sordid affair. She is nothing but a ignorant cunt. No, I take that back. She is a stupid cunt because even in the face of the facts, she still clings to the talking points of the liberal left.
What a bunch of loon bags. Not one of those idiots has ever spent thirty seconds in a Patrol car. They are still trying to use race and demographics to explain this shooting. The bottom line here is Wilson was overpowered by Brown. Wilson, because of the injury to his eye and the pain he was enduring feared for his life and his safety. So in the heat of this moment he felt deadly force was justified. Of course now that the crowds are gone and the smoke has cleared people are trying to say "well he should have done this, or he could have done that" but Michael Brown didn't have to die. By the same token Michael Brown didn't have to get combative with an officer either.

Or where it says so in the Constitution implied or implicit.


Don't use an "or" when using implied and implicit

Perhaps an "and" would work if you we're trying to drive a point home but I think you might have wanted "explicit"
One marked difference between the left and right is that though both can be wrong, in the face of truth the right will adjust, the left, as a movement, will not