Ponzi: Treasury Issues $1T in New Debt in 8 Weeks—To Pay Old Debt

SEE3772's Avatar
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
There is a disaster looming.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Yep and it will come at a time when it is least affordable.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
How much bigger should government be?
I have a relative that believes that government is not big enough and does not do enough and of course they believe that we are not paying enough in taxes.
While it seems that we are drowning in debt and have to borrow from future generations to pay the debt, or at least a part of the debt we have been accumulating, some believe we need more. To me, it seems we cannot afford the government we have and we cannot afford to maintain that which we have built. Of course there will be those that will claim we spend the money we borrow in the wrong places and we can just stop spending there and spend i t here but that does not seem to solve the problem of the desire of some for a bigger, farther reaching government.

It looks like all we need to do is recycle our debt. Pay off a trillion take on a trillion. Keep them printing presses rolling.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yep. Take a cash advance from your Visa card to pay off your Mastercard. What could possibly go wrong?
The Debt is projected to be close to $20 trillion by the time Obama leaves office.

Obama's contribution ? Nearly $10 trillion, or one half of our debt is from the Obama years. The remainder is from every other president that preceded Obama.
