Ladies... take advantage of me -;).

So Just to make sure I understand you want all the money up front in order to get the $300 deal..
What about hosting it who host it and is that included in the $300 ( if so for how long is the hosting)
Hi Tia,
Thanks for your interest! Yes, the special offer applies if full payment is made up front and the site would be ready in less than 2 weeks.

No templates or pre-designed graphics are used. The entire site is custom designed using Photoshop and Dreamweaver.

Domain registeration and hosting is maintained on your end so you will always have complete control of your business.

The cost of hosting is usually less than $100/year for unlimited bandwidth and disk space. I would be happy to make suggestions if you like.

Let me know if you have any other questions -. Thanks! Xoxo
Hi ladies,

Made an adjustment to the special offer..

Instead of having to put the full amount down to get the web design special, you only have to put $150 down and the remainder upon completion.

I aim to please and assure zero disappointments. Try me. You'll love the results!