Child support and foreign ladies

I've been asked to father a child of a Vietnamese woman. She says she doesn't want financial support and I don't have to be responsible. But, even though I know her, I don't trust this entirely.

Let's say that I impregnate her, can she sue me for support in the USA? Also, what of other countries such as the Philippines or the Dominican Republic, where one doesn't always use birth control with girls? I could end up in a situation with all my travels and want to know the real answers about babies and foreign women.
skbinks's Avatar
First off, I am NOT a lawyer or anything close. Did you search the internet? The following were the first couple things I found.

Hope your not in Kansas or any other place on Earth where there might be lawyers, or governments. Here is a link for one case in Kansas where the women even told the state that he shouldn't be responsible because they all signed an agreement, but the state saw differently.

It really would depend on your country and/or state. Some states do have a clause for it, but ONLY if a physician was involved for artificial insemination.

Sperm Donor Protection: The Uniform Parentage Act
About two-thirds of states have adopted the Uniform Parentage Act (UPA), which gives protections to sperm donors in cases where a mother has sued them for child support. The 1973 version of the UPA provides that any man that gives his sperm to a physician for purposes of artificially inseminating someone other than his wife is not the legal father of the child borne out of the insemination. Since the donor is not the legal father, he is not legally bound to pay child support. However, these protections are limited, as the states that have adopted the 1973 version of the UPA have generally not been willing to extend these protections to a donor when there has not been a physician involved in the insemination process. For example, if the insemination takes place at home, even without intercourse, if a physician was not involved in the process, the donor is not protected by this law.

Just in case you wanted to know, you can go to and put this in for the search; "sperm bank sue for child support"
USA = payday

I suggest you google the mens rights movement. You about to get fucked.
ShysterJon's Avatar
Why the fuck do you want to father a child? Do you pretend you're David Crosby?

This has GOT to be a joke. No one can be this stupid.
Whispers's Avatar
I had a buddy get caught up in something like this when he knocked up a gal overseas that gave birth to his child. She was able to get a visa and then a green card as the mother of a US citizen in some expedited fashion and traveled to his State of Residence and file for Child Support after a few months.... He lost almost 20% of his income for close to 17 years after wasting almost $12K fighting it.

He never saw it coming or considered it a possibility.
PillowChaffer's Avatar
She says she doesn't want financial support and I don't have to be responsible. Originally Posted by nicemusic
If she makes it to the states and files for ANY state welfare or government bennies, a father must be named. If the dime is dropped on you, the states attorney will come after you for support automatically in most states. The state files against you on MY behalf because she is putting her hand in MY pocket.

Your agreement with her is worthless. Lots of case law in the public record on this. If you want the risk of a government hand in your pocket for the next 18-years, plow forward....

"Typically, when a parent files for governmental assistance, he or she has the option of including a child. This means a parent can file for individual assistance or family assistance. However, the state would prefer that the child receive child support, if possible, instead of public assistance. Therefore, when a single mother who is not receiving child support requests public assistance on behalf of her child, the state will usually initiate a child support case, whether the mother wants a case filed or not.
Therefore, it is important for single mothers to consider the ramifications of requesting public assistance."
htownsa's Avatar
Visa Hunters on the prowl. Watch out.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Overseas, Hague Convention on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance could apply, that the US signed, and which was ratified by the Senate Sept 2010.

As mentioned above by others, if in the states, a judge will toss an agreement and make sure the kids taken care of (unless it's the sperm donor thing mentioned above). Family Law judges are like buzz-saws. They will listen, and regardless of most objection issues raised (buzzzz), the child's caregiver will be awarded support.

Seriously go reread Jon's last sentence in post 4.
And also, Whispers comments in post 5.
And, last, Pillows comment about states filing a case if the caregiver files for assistance.
You've got to ask yourself; why? Run, don't walk, away from this situation.
bule84's Avatar
is she hot? get a vasectomy and keep trying
Enchanterlingum's Avatar
is she hot? get a vasectomy and keep trying Originally Posted by bule84
Tonight I discovered that cream soda burns when it comes out of my nose.