ISO a black TS with nice size functional dick. This would be a first time for me and needing to fill this curiosity of mine! Any suggestions. Clean and safe locations / providers only ...seems lost are only on backpage which scares me a bit
Backpage is where most trannys are these days.
-I know it is difficult because you cant do a two letter search on this site ("TS") but just look for ones that have decent reviews here in the Other Reviews forum)
-If your ass is a virgin, stay away from the really big cocks: they can hurt cause rectal bleeding. start off with an asian.
-know your in how big of a dick is too big for your ass. Practice by fucking yourself in the shower with a dildo or cucumber and make note of how much ling if a dick you can take. Measure that distance and keep in in mind when considering the preferred length of tranny dick
_know that all trannies (and guys) lie about their true cock size. You will usually need ti subtract 2-3" from their stated length.
-never ever let a tranny bareback you. They have by far the highest HIV rate: 24%
-100% passable is extremely rare so do not expect it. All trannies have some masculine traits. KThe key is to learn to overliik them.