My rights versus your rights

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
As Indiana and Arkansas have demonstrated, there is a divide in this country between people who believe in individual freedoms and those that don't. Once again the left is using lies and distortion to divide the people in this land. The right is failing to have a coherent message and that is on them. So let me ask the question, where do yo stand on individual rights and freedoms when it comes to commerce?

A. Do you think that the customer has the absolute right to force a business owner to serve them irregardless of the owner's personal feelings?

B. Do you think that the owner has veto power over customer requests (demands)?

C. Or do you think that the owner is the tyrant of his (or her) domain and has the power to deny any or all requests from customers?

On a broader note, do you believe in majority rule with constitutional protections for the minority (that is not minorities) as was outlined by the founders?
Or do you believe in a tyranny of the minority over the wishes of the majority?

A new Rasmussen polls shows that 70% of American support the idea that a business owner has the right to refuse services to anyone on religious objections.
boardman's Avatar
This is such a ridiculous argument.

A business owner has the right to make absolute decisions regarding his business. Period. He will be the one ultimately affected by those decisions.

And here's a news flash. They do it everyday whether the public realizes it or not and that will never change. Even if they run him out of business it will be by his decision.

Using the court's precious time over shit like this is tyranny by the minority.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
This is insane. It makes me wonder what the government is hiding from us by blowing this out of proportion. Nuclear Iran, maybe? Russian aggression? Teetering economy? Is there another scandal about to break? This isn't about cake and pizza. This is about providing cover for something serious.
What government dull knife> States rights?
Starbucks should have the right to refuse to sell coffee to African-Americans? Or Jews? McDonald's should be able to tell any Hispanic that walks through the front door that they won't be served and they need to get out? This is your idea of the United States of America in 2015? Should private school owners and private colleges be allowed to refuse entry to blacks and Hispanics just because they don't like them?

Wow. You people have completely lost your addition to any sense of human decency that you ever had....the truly astonishing thing about this argument is that you utilize religion to justify it. Love your fellow man. Treat others as you would have them treat you. Unless you bake wedding cakes or pizza's, I guess....then you can exercise your right to be a fucking bigot and quack that God backs your play. How ridiculous.

You are talking about returning to Mississippi in the 1950's. Where people could be refused service based on the color of their skin.

Seriously? Or is this a late April Fool's joke?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Starbucks should have the right to refuse to sell coffee to African-Americans? Or Jews? McDonald's should be able to tell any Hispanic that walks through the front door that they won't be served and they need to get out? This is your idea of the United States of America in 2015? Should private school owners and private colleges be allowed to refuse entry to blacks and Hispanics just because they don't like them?

Wow. You people have completely lost your addition to any sense of human decency that you ever had....the truly astonishing thing about this argument is that you utilize religion to justify it. Love your fellow man. Treat others as you would have them treat you. Unless you bake wedding cakes or pizza's, I guess....then you can exercise your right to be a fucking bigot and quack that God backs your play. How ridiculous.

You are talking about returning to Mississippi in the 1950's. Where people could be refused service based on the color of their skin.

Seriously? Or is this a late April Fool's joke? Originally Posted by timpage
Timmy, c'mon. You're smarter than this. You think that would really happen? Get in the game, bro. There will always be people who know what color and gender really matters. Green cash. Do you want to sue Hobby Lobby so you can buy knitting needles on Sunday? This is about freedom of choice, not freedom to force.
This is insane. It makes me wonder what the government is hiding from us by blowing this out of proportion. Nuclear Iran, maybe? Russian aggression? Teetering economy? Is there another scandal about to break? This isn't about cake and pizza. This is about providing cover for something serious. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
It's the 2 minute warning!
Starbucks should have the right to refuse to sell coffee to African-Americans? Or Jews? McDonald's should be able to tell any Hispanic that walks through the front door that they won't be served and they need to get out? This is your idea of the United States of America in 2015? Should private school owners and private colleges be allowed to refuse entry to blacks and Hispanics just because they don't like them?

Wow. You people have completely lost your addition to any sense of human decency that you ever had....the truly astonishing thing about this argument is that you utilize religion to justify it. Love your fellow man. Treat others as you would have them treat you. Unless you bake wedding cakes or pizza's, I guess....then you can exercise your right to be a fucking bigot and quack that God backs your play. How ridiculous.

You are talking about returning to Mississippi in the 1950's. Where people could be refused service based on the color of their skin.

Seriously? Or is this a late April Fool's joke? Originally Posted by timpage
So I reckon that it's ok for a group of folks fresh off a "strenuous " LGBT march to come into a family friendly restaurant inn their " marching gear " ( rainbow colored thongs...AND NOTHING ELSE!!! ) and DEMAND service from the restaurant while groping each other and threatening a law suit to the manager/owner if they are not served over the objections of the families that where already there at the restaurant enjoying their meal ! ? And to say that a person's sexual orientation is equivalent to their race is such liberal BS and cheapens the efforts of the people who fought and died for race-based civil rights. Leave it to the liberals to try to tie together two things that are TOTALLY unrelated !!
So I reckon that it's ok for a group of folks fresh off a "strenuous " LGBT march to come into a family friendly restaurant inn their " marching gear " ( rainbow colored thongs...AND NOTHING ELSE!!! ) and DEMAND service from the restaurant while groping each other and threatening a law suit to the manager/owner if they are not served over the objections of the families that where already there at the restaurant enjoying their meal ! ? And to say that a person's sexual orientation is equivalent to their race is such liberal BS and cheapens the efforts of the people who fought and died for race-based civil rights. Leave it to the liberals to try to tie together two things that are TOTALLY unrelated !! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
You know a shit lot about gays rey. Are you still in the closet? cousin to JL?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Starbucks should have the right to refuse to sell coffee to African-Americans? Or Jews? McDonald's should be able to tell any Hispanic that walks through the front door that they won't be served and they need to get out? This is your idea of the United States of America in 2015? Should private school owners and private colleges be allowed to refuse entry to blacks and Hispanics just because they don't like them?

Wow. You people have completely lost your addition to any sense of human decency that you ever had....the truly astonishing thing about this argument is that you utilize religion to justify it. Love your fellow man. Treat others as you would have them treat you. Unless you bake wedding cakes or pizza's, I guess....then you can exercise your right to be a fucking bigot and quack that God backs your play. How ridiculous.

You are talking about returning to Mississippi in the 1950's. Where people could be refused service based on the color of their skin.

Seriously? Or is this a late April Fool's joke? Originally Posted by timpage
You just did an Obama. Willful ignorance...

This is not about race or sex. No one is saying that you can or should refuse to serve someone because of race. That should remain your right but no one is condoning such behavior. What we are saying is that if someone appears at YOUR business, which you built, and that person represents some philosophy that you find abhorrent then you should have the right to refuse to serve them.

You love to trot out the whole racist mythical argument (the 1950s and the democratic KKK is over) so lets use that as an example of what we really mean. A black man walks in and wants a beer (I'm getting tired of cakes and pizza). You should serve him but you should be able to refuse. You're an idiot and will lose your business probably but it is your right to be stupid. However, if a black man walks in wearing a t shirt that says "kill whitey", or even "hands up, don't shoot" you should have the right to refuse service. This isn't even about religion at this point so lets talk about that. What is Jesse Jackson rolls into town with his entourage (that's French for pack of troublemakers) and they come to your establishment and they want you to serve their crowd which is across the street protesting. Do you have the right to say, "I will serve individuals but you will not make my place your headquarters"?

By the way, in case you missed it, Starbucks is ran by a liberal moron.
Starbucks should have the right to refuse to sell coffee to African-Americans? .... Originally Posted by timpage
Did you not learn anything from the recent #racetogether debacle?
This is such a ridiculous argument.

A business owner has the right to make absolute decisions regarding his business. Period. He will be the one ultimately affected by those decisions.

And here's a news flash. They do it everyday whether the public realizes it or not and that will never change. Even if they run him out of business it will be by his decision.

Using the court's precious time over shit like this is tyranny by the minority. Originally Posted by boardman
Very true.

I'm surprised about the amount of media pressure the pro-LGBT crowd is able to generate. They didn't give up after the Duck Dynasty loss.
How come both states walked it back, and amended the law barleycornball?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So once again, the Liberty Loving Right pushes to legislate morality. If, as you say, a shopkeeper is going to choose to do whatever he wants with his business regardless of the rules, then why continue create rules that polarize and threaten to persecute Americans?

You don't give a fuck about freedom. With the RWWIPES it's simply about power and control. Now that the perceived threat to your "freedom" comes from more than just black people, you've got a whole new list of groups to try and "keep down." New rules. New "rights."

Your argument -- this argument -- is ludicrous.

That said, leave it to JDIdiot to be the first on the hate train. Racism, homophobia, xenophobia ... Scan the threads in this forum. More likely than not, the most ridiculous "what if" scenarios rooted in race, ethnicity and sexual orientation begin at the University of Dipshit.
dirty dog's Avatar
How come both states walked it back, and amended the law barleycornball? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Come on brother you know why and it has nothing to do with the validity of the law, No one in the media is mentioning that the first black President (Willy boy Clinton) signed the same type of bill into Federal law. This is simply politics and the power of special interest groups in action. Personally I think this was an unnecessary law, but I am a supporter of individual rights for everyone, not just special interest and minority groups.