Chris Mathews Goes Ballistic

Wow. Ole Chris just lost it today on MSNBC when a guest referenced Neville Chamberline, 1938, And how Hitler played him like a cheap fiddle..

Sorry Chris, you might think your golden boy Obama sends a thrill down your leg, but the Mullas are high fiving in Teheran.

It is History repeating. You have a ruthless Religious/Fascist regime in Iran who have made a career of lying, deceiving, and doing end run around those naive enough to fall for their game.

Because of these "negotiation", one day we will wake up and Iran will be a nuclear power.

Pundits like a Chris Mathews have lost all credibility in their blind adoration in being mouth pieces for the DNC.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 04-04-2015, 10:18 AM
Mathews is at the top of a long list of ass kissing libtard main stream media jerkoffs.
Wow. Ole Chris just lost it today on MSNBC when a guest referenced Neville Chamberline, 1938, And how Hitler played him like a cheap fiddle..

Sorry Chris, you might think your golden boy Obama sends a thrill down your leg, but the Mullas are high fiving in Teheran.

It is History repeating. You have a ruthless Religious/Fascist regime in Iran who have made a career of lying, deceiving, and doing end run around those naive enough to fall for their game.

Because of these "negotiation", one day we will wake up and Iran will be a nuclear power.

Pundits like a Chris Mathews have lost all credibility in their blind adoration in being mouth pieces for the DNC. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Still would like one of you wingnuts to present you solution .

1- negotiation.
2-Military intervention.
3- Yours.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
They say that war is like a game of chess. You know the capabilities of your enemy and the possible things that he can do.

Diplomacy is like poker. You don't let the other guy know what you have (or what you're willing to do) ahead of time. Obama announced what we would or would not do. He is an idiot.

What you do (my solution) is to obtain all the intelligence that you can get your hands on about not just the program but that people involved in the negotiaions. Like a poker player, you're not playing the cards, you're playing the other players. Hint at some things that they would like to keep hidden from view (it's called blackmail).
Also remember what your ultimate goal is and never lose sight of it. A sliding scale does not work for negotiations. You can have a point that you will concede at the right time for the right concession from the other party.

Big thing, always be ready to walk away. Just like dealing with a car salesman, walk away if you're not getting anywhere. I don't mean the deal, I mean what you originally wanted.

In this case, I would have cancelled the meeting the first time a government official in Iran said "Death to America". I would not have removed sanctions. I would not have announced that we are going to give the Iranians money. I would have told them nothing other than the United States and our partners WILL NOT allow Iran to have a nuclear weapon, period. Everything else is on the table. Now, this where EVA says (in a snarky voice) does this mean you go to war? The idea is do the Iranians think you are going to go to a military option. I would show the Iranians every naval asset they have in real time. Then I would tell them how we are prepared to destroy their navy in one fell swoop but not how. Be prepared to follow through if they call you. Maybe start with one ship.

Of course, we could just remove the government like Obama should have done two years ago.
Nothing has been written or signed, but it is still a bad deal eh Judy?
Still would like one of you wingnuts to present you solution .

1- negotiation.
2-Military intervention.
3- Yours. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Eva lets here your solution douche bag, oh I forgot, Obama is your hero
Anyone have a clip of it? I can't find it on the internets and I love a good Chris Matthews implosion.
Eva lets here your solution douche bag, oh I forgot, Obama is your hero Originally Posted by gary5912
Gary, you are the dumbest mother fucker on the board. Congrats....
Anyone have a clip of it? I can't find it on the internets and I love a good Chris Matthews implosion. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
I watched it live. I catch HardBall as often as I can, it's a good combination of comic relief mixed with insight into just how looney the left can be.
Well damn. Matthews cracks me the hell up. Look up 'apoplectic' in the dictionary and you'll find his mugshot. I bet it will find its way to Youtube eventually if it was good enough.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Gary, you are the dumbest mother fucker on the board. Congrats.... Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Now, don't get down on yourself, LittleEva. You are still the dumbest motherfucker on this board. Don't lose hope! But there are some additions that are threatening to take that title away, but I have confidence in you that you can out stupid any and all who try!
Now, don't get down on yourself, LittleEva. You are still the dumbest motherfucker on this board. Don't lose hope! But there are some additions that are threatening to take that title away, but I have confidence in you that you can out stupid any and all who try! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Babble on dull knife you are a close second behind gary. I don't see you presenting you brilliant ideas, just wanting to look foolish as usual. Call your caretaker looks like you shit yourself again. Just stinking up the board.
LexusLover's Avatar
I don't see you presenting you brilliant ideas, ..... Originally Posted by i'va biggen

A search didn't help ... what's yours or just give a link.

I even tried a search with "surrender"! That didn't help either.
A quick search has little eva on my ignore list. A stopped clock is right twice a day, a old calendar is right 5 to 26 years and little eva hasn't been right yet.
didn't bill clinton negotiate peace in our time.. err.. I mean an inspection regime and a similar agreement with north korea sometime prior to them detonating a nuclear device?