The H. Clinton Emails - What's known, What's not

flghtr65's Avatar
So far 4 classified emails have been found on the server that Hillary turned over. The state department has said they were not classified at the time they were sent. The FBI is investigating not Clinton herself, but the security of the emails.
So far 4 classified emails have been found on the server that Hillary turned over. The state department has said they were not classified at the time they were sent. The FBI is investigating not Clinton herself, but the security of the emails. Originally Posted by flghtr65
From a French News Agency that doesn't even say that only 40 of the emails were inspected by the Inspector General to get the 4 "classified" emails. Article doesn't even say that the server has been wiped. My understanding is the two "Top Secret" emails were marked as such.

The article is trash, not worth reading.
I'm waiting for Her to say,......."it depends on what your definition of "is" is.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Birds of a feather.

It was not just wiped clean it was deliberately and professionally wiped clean.

All they are sifting through is what the Beast and her staff felt comfortable letting out.

If she is just trying to hide her proclivity for carpet munching the LGBT folks should really be pissed.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Not quite the whole truth is it flighter, is it? The investigators looked at only 40 randomly chosen emails from the server and of the 40 (10%), four had confidential data on them, and of those four (5% of the total sample) two had Top Secret information on them. Possession of Top Secret information by those not on the list to have it is a felony. Doesn't matter how or where you got it, mere possession is a felony. Would you have Hillary be treated differently from every other American? We have a former head of the CIA brought to trial for less, we have a sailor heading for trial for taking a selfie at the wrong place on a submarine, we have other citizens going down for so much less than what Hillary has done. Is she better or different under our rule of law?

Ask youself this question; if Hillary is telling the truth about the contents of the server (completely innocent emails about Chelsea's wedding, her yoga, and simple correspondence) why is she been trying to so hard to A) keep it out the hands of Trey Gowdy which would just embarass him is she is telling the truth, or B) erase that same information completely. Either makes her look guilty.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The real server is being hidden under some palm trees on a small island in the Pacific. JDrunk nails it again!
gfejunkie's Avatar
So far 4 classified emails have been found on the server that Hillary turned over. Originally Posted by flghtr65
You're nervous too, huh?
The surface has barely been scratched. The best is yet to come.
The real server is being hidden under some palm trees on a small island in the Pacific. JDrunk nails it again! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Do you mean it is not shielded from view by wilted shrubs and camouflage netting?
I'm waiting for Her to say,......."it depends on what your definition of "is" is. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Maybe lil'cotex or woomby could help her with that "definition" since they're such big Clinton fans.
Edmund Hitlery Clinton: up to 60 more classified emails with sensitive intelligence, found...

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
60? 60! Holy cow! 60 classified documents! Conviction was sink now and forever her chances to run for any public office forever.
Edmund Hitlery Clinton: up to 60 more classified emails with sensitive intelligence, found...

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

Lying bitch. It's amazing that seemingly intelligent people, many on this very Site, still support her.
60? 60! Holy cow! 60 classified documents! Conviction was sink now and forever her chances to run for any public office forever. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You jizzed so hard in your pants you forgot how to write for a second.

What about this guy? He apparently sent classified emails too.

Lying bitch. It's amazing that seemingly intelligent people, many on this very Site, still support her. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Again, let's wait to find out, instead of busting a nut with every new headline that may or may not be true. It's funny how fickle people can be about the media. When it's supporting their position, it's awesome. When it's not, it's a bunch of nutjobs. Just hold on and we'll see what happens.
flghtr65's Avatar
You're nervous too, huh?
The surface has barely been scratched. The best is yet to come. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
No more nervous than you are about Ben Carson performing research on a fetus from an abortion.