
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Providers and fellow hobbiests.....

So how much hype is too much hype and ladies when will so much turn into what you feel is almost stalkerish behavior?

Fellas how many of you have turned away from a provider that was hyped to the point it was what you considered a turn off?

Some say all publicity is good publicity, we all know that isn't true.


I don't doubt that we've all been asked to post on a fav's review now and then. I know I have and I generally won't do it if asked. I feel that I'll give a better recommendation of a chick if I simply post when I want. How many of you fellas will " jump when asked to jump" so to speak lol. I'll be surprised at how many actually answer this one honestly. Even if you don't jump when asked how to you feel about that being the perception?

One of the issues I see with such an overwhelming amount of hype will be the possible discouragement of a reviewer to post an honest review. Not that the reviews posted already aren't honest but if someone wants to point out certain negative aspects he may never do so due to the perceived backlash from so many.

I will also say that a provider can only live up to so much, if the hype is too much she is being set up for failure. Nobody can be perfect 100 % of the time and the way some are hyped it is as if they just can do no wrong. Shit some may wanna go see her simply to prove that they / someone can have a bad time. I think that being over hyped can cause that at times as well.

Just food for thought......
Wow 5:22am and already a whole new thread and long dumbass rant dedicated to alyssaxoxo. What is it about this chick that so many people can't stop thinking about her and posting about her? What is she like the new zafiro or something?
pyramider's Avatar
I will have to ask my stalkers ...
Dorian Gray's Avatar
1. Not everyone's work day starts at 7am.

2. EA never said Alyssa's name in his post. Those in the loop would know who he is referencing though.

3. The day some random walks up to you & goes, "Are you (insert name)? Oh my god! I'm your biggest fan." You'll understand.

4. I thought this was a thread about boardman. Go figure.
poppy71's Avatar
There is definitely a too much hype point and when it reaches that point it is a huge turnoff. If I see the hype it is usually followed by a huge ego or percieved ego on the part of the one getting all the hype and no matter how others brag I keep my eyes on the hyped one and how she responds and that determines if I will see her or not and more often it's a not.

As far as reviews I believe every provider is ymmv and reviews are based solely on that individuals experience. I don't go in trying to outdo the last guy and my reviews are my experience with her solely. Most good providers are not robots so some of us will have better or worse experiences than others and there are many factors that go into it. I believe in fair and honest reporting but I also save myself from bad experiences by who I choose to see so my reviews may be a yes but they are an honest yes based on how my appointment went.

We all go through ATF syndrome but there is a fine line between giving good info on an ATF and stalking and the stalking is very creepy and can turn business away - which I often wonder if that's not the true intent.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
There is definitely a too much hype point and when it reaches that point it is a huge turnoff. If I see the hype it is usually followed by a huge ego or percieved ego on the part of the one getting all the hype and no matter how others brag I keep my eyes on the hyped one. Originally Posted by poppy71
I have no "hype." It's all pure awesomeness, as ordained by the one true Tebow.
silverstate53's Avatar
A lot to be said for UTR's in this case !! Have a really nice one thanks to an eccie bud..
dearhunter's Avatar
How can you ever get too many kitty pics?
I thought about putting a funny/silly response to this, but have decided to be honest in my own experience over the last two years of providing:

There have been times when I was flavor of the *insert time frame* to a specific market. While the hype was- and can be- exciting, it is a lot of pressure to perform at that level, and provide the same services as enthusiastically as I did with the person who put out my latest and greatest review.

During these times, I have to interact with an onslaught of "followers/bandwagon enthusiasts." This means that when a new person introduces themselves, they often say something like, "so I just read some hot reviews on you, and they say you do this, this, and this. I would love to come experience that for myself. When are you next available? And by the way, my package is *insert size here,* do you think you can handle it? Your reviews say that you do *such and such.*"


"I just saw an ISO looking for the best *insert activity* and you cum highly recommended. What's your HH rate?" (sorry, I don't offer HH)

Honestly guys, I don't get excited about dates that start with this type of introduction. Being approached like this is a turn-off. In the end it means I have to work twice as hard mentally to live up to what is written about me.

Along the "stalkerish" behavior lines, I have had a few really uncomfortable instances where a single person was talking me up so much that there was a perception that I had been seeing this person often (when the reality was that I only saw him once). He would literally call his hobby buddies on the phone and brag about our visit. He made it seem like we were best friends (and we weren't). Guys started calling me and saying things like "I talked to *insert stalker name.* He said since I knew him, that you would see me right away." I was infuriated. As an independent provider, I had to make it clear that my affiliation with Mr. Stalker was client/provider only, and that they needed to go through the screening process just like any other. Mr. Stalker said he was just trying to help me and my business. My response was "Thanks, but no thanks."

Don't get me wrong; I am grateful for those who give me props. They do help me to build my business and challenge me to always do my best to be consistent and bring my A-GAME to each encounter.

There are several directions that a lady can take when the spotlight is on her:

1. Money/lucrative amounts of business can make her take every appointment she is offered, but there is danger of burn-out, and the risk of rushing through screening.

2. Continue to handle business as usual with thorough screening/due diligence with every person that approaches you, and ultimately have enough energy to be as consistent as stated in reviews.

3. Something in between. See the law of supply and demand at work and use it her to her advantage. Perhaps a rate adjustment is justified to keep everything balanced and still appreciate the benefits of the hype.

It can be difficult to maintain a level head in this industry. It can be feast or famine. Ride the hype, but put some of it away for a rainy day is what I say. But personally, it has taken me two years to see the big picture.
SpiceItUp's Avatar
Don't be this guy

From the reviewer standpoint I could care less if some WK finds any negative comments hard to deal with. I don't give a rat's ass what some fanboi has to say about my opinions. TBH though I hear this talked about more than actually see it happening, most review comments even by the fanbois on review threads typically fall well within the realm of just exchanging information and opinions.

Where I think it starts to get creepy is the nonstop name dropping of your fav provider into unrelated threads, multiple posts in threads by one dude regarding the same provider, thread stalking a provider so they can jump in on the conversation, etc...

I don't doubt though that a certain percentage of potential clients get turned off by having a provider shoved in their faces repeatedly, but maybe another equal percentage have their interest in her piqued by it. I'd imagine it would be hard to quantify.

I'm not sure it says anything to me about the provider, its not her fault there are weirdos out there. But I'm not a big fan of sycophants and lapdogs so it does say something to me about the guy. There's a fine line between being a supporter of someone and being a fanatic. To me, some dudes need to either be more subtle or take a step back and remove your balls from her purse.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
It may not be the fault of some providers but it can also be other providers fault by encouraging that behavior.

Ya never know about that kinda stuff though unless its done to you directly.
Wakeup's Avatar
I love hype...it lets me know who not to see...
dearhunter's Avatar
Damn, we are getting real in this threAD...........

I watch when I see the threAD players.

I wait for a line to be crossed.
Excellent reply by YummyMarie! I hope some of the guys read and consider.
TexasGator's Avatar
Wait! So you're suggesting WTF is "overhyping" Ol' Ho'?