Give a man his due

  • JFF
  • 02-18-2014, 11:51 AM
This is for the growing number of providers that are not giving a John his money's worth. Let me explain.

If a dude shows up late, then one of two outcomes is possible and it is up to the two of you to discuss the outcome. Outcome 1) The guy forfeits the time from the session that he was late for, or 2) The guy gets his whole hour, because you start the clock when his clothes come off. The hypocrisy here is that scenario one is usually expected because a girl has a schedule to stick to, but when the girl is late the man should just be understanding as to transportation issues.

The other scenario that has become more frequent, is that the girl texts the room number five to ten minutes after the scheduled appointment time. She then, spends a few minutes getting ready and deducts this from said gent's time allotment.

If a dude pays for an hour, give him hour. If the appointment is for 2 p.m., be at the in call a half hour prior to that. That way you have some alone time, and you may even text the guy early for a pre appointment shower. If you want the guy to be clean, provide him a few minutes to shower before the appointment. If the man thinks that he is losing funtime to shower time, then he will usually forego the shower.

It's easy, you ladies like the cash and we like the pussy. We just need to have a fair set of business standards to make sure that we all have a great encounter.

Thank you,

Now blast away!
boardman's Avatar
Useless thread!
tbone77494's Avatar
If I see a lady and pay 1hr rate, I dont mind a quick rinse being on the clock, but if the lady is running late then screws around "getting ready" while I sit naked on the bed scratching my nuts, then counts that on the clock - she can be assured I post that in the review and dont repeat.
Give the NAME of who did this to you or this thread is completely worthless.
Richard Fitzwell's Avatar
^^^^^^ +100

But OP you have a point
  • JFF
  • 02-18-2014, 02:53 PM
Thanks Boardman
dearhunter's Avatar
Great thread........ignore that pussy stating otherwise.
I don't understand when I hear ladies are so stingy with time...I mean, guys shouldn't take advantage, but what's an extra 10 minutes to shower and another to get cleaned up. And it's not that hard to be on time...guys and girls.

I'd actually like to hear some ladies explain why they might shortchange the guys a bit.
I'd actually like to hear some ladies explain why they might shortchange the guys a bit. Originally Posted by LilMynx69 too. Tell me how cheating a guy out of 12 to 15 minutes affects your EBITA. Oh wait no Income Tax is paid LOL so tell us how it improves your net revenue and overall bottom line.

Feel free to also tell the effects of going over 12 to 15.

If you're scheduling more landings per day than Southwest Airlines... and not leaving me time to get off the runway.....tell me that too.... and I'll just stay the fuck away.

Yeah I'm pissed off....I just kicked a beautiful woman out of my hotel room for cock blocking me by nagging and tapping her watch halfway through our agreed-to 2-hour session. After she came twice and wet the sheets. I fucked her before so she knew who and what she was agreeing to.

If you can't take a pounding for a full 2 hours....or even a full hour, don't fucking agree to it.

(If you do want to get pounded for 2 full hours, PM me.)

That mistake cost her......and I told her how much.

Another memorable clock watch cock block session below....

Provider?.....crashed and burned.

No fucking way shorting 15 minutes is making you more money. No fucking way. It's costing you money in the long haul.

I'd actually like to hear some ladies explain why they might shortchange the guys a bit. Originally Posted by LilMynx69
Because for every guy who writes an honest review or blasts them in coed there are 20 pussy whipped fucktards who are scared to death of landing on a lazy hooker's dns list.
Wish we were getting names here.
Wish we were getting names here. Originally Posted by tk3g0d
I'm international today so mine doesn't matter.
Sarunga's Avatar
But OP you have a point Originally Posted by Richard Fitzwell
A very good point.
If you want the guy to be clean, provide him a few minutes to shower before the appointment. If the man thinks that he is losing funtime to shower time, then he will usually forego the shower.
Originally Posted by JFF
Or you could shower before you go to the session. Is it that fucking hard? Some of you guys book an hour and want to spend 30 minutes showering and chatting. Fuck that. You're paying for an hour of her time. Respect her time.
SpiceItUp's Avatar
A very good point. Originally Posted by Sarunga
Excellent point regarding the point the other guy was referring to.