SHMB Addicts / Board Obsession / Intervention? / Maybe just something to think about

Whispers's Avatar
SHMB Addicts

Some of the Characteristics: (feel free to add more)

1) Has entirely too much free time on his hands. Either self employed or in a position that provides a private office and no one looking over his shoulders. Possibly Disabled and at home with nor friends or family looking in. Maybe a kid that has found the site and a way to fuck with everyone!

2) Spends much of the day posting out of the norm opinions, useless crap, comments on anything and everything or picking fights with other posters just to get a response.

3) Maybe he is a White Knight cruising the board watching for a post on one of his favorites or someone just bashing some provider so he can jump to their rescue

4a) Has no SO. Couldn't even if he wanted one because he is so dysfunctional or:

4b) Has an SO but one that he has lost interest in for some reason

5a) Is famous in his own mind or:

5b) Is seeking fame and admiration to fill an emptiness

6) Constantly hits the refresh key after a post waiting and hoping for a response so he can have an interchange with someone, anyone, just so he can feel like he matters if only for a few minutes

7) Lets his professional and/or personal life suffer because of his addiction to the "limelight" of the SHMB, He would rather be logged in clicking and looking to comment then with family or friends.... Easy to spot on holidays.

I'm sure there are more traits........

And before anyone else comments..... Yes I have been there myself and speak from experience..

I posted something like this 6 years ago and someone recently made it pop back into my mind.... Sometimes we get off track....

I know I have a time or two or ten.... I believe others have or are as well....

Sometimes you can see it in the reviewers....... There was a time for me when the session became more about the review and admiration of the guys on the board than about the session itself. One week in particular, many years ago, I wrote 15 reviews in a week and saw as many as 3 girls a night while juggling a wife, a girlfriend and a career just so it would be there for others to pat me on the back about it......

I'm not saying it was or is all about that...... Just pointing to myself and my own experiences to maybe give someone else a "wake-up call" regarding getting so consumed by the board.....

Over the years I BELIEVE I have learned to compartmentalize what matters and what doesn't and a lot of what people THINK matters to me is actually just pure entertainment....

I seldom get upset by anything I read..... never get offended....... almost never think about any of it when I walk away from the computer

I have a very active social life and get pretty busy professionally at times... Lately I've been pretty busy and was surprised when I logged in to see people complaining about stuff from weeks ago that does not seem to be so prevalent today..... They must miss the drama.....

OK.... Fire away now..... . But keep in mind I already acknowledged dealing with this myself as well my like for entertainment.......

PornPet69's Avatar
I have to admit, I'm probably one of those people you are talking about. I did break up with my SO two months ago and have a lot of free time now. And I think it is pretty obvious that I don't have a problem posting my 2 cents on anything. But I doubt I'm on here as much as anybody else. I am one of those guys when I find something new and interesting I jump into it all the way. And then I'll get bored and find something else to jump into. But thank you for the wake up call, I am gonna spend some time with my family now.
What is SHMB? Sorry I'm lost, the best I came up with shit head man boss, lol
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Silly hoe message board
Naomi4u's Avatar
What is SHMB? Sorry I'm lost, the best I came up with shit head man boss, lol Originally Posted by Sexy Roxanne
Silly Hooker Message Board.
Got it thanks ladies
Whispers's Avatar
I have to admit, I'm probably one of those people you are talking about. ...... thank you for the wake up call, I am gonna spend some time with my family now. Originally Posted by PornPet69

Good for you......

I don't expect a lot of responses.......

I do think more than a few will read a little of themselves into this.....
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
Is this an intervention?
sixxbach's Avatar
I have been guilty of this. I have never had a problem calling myself out with anything. I think last night alot had a little board obsession with the drama in one of the other threads! The thread counts don't lie!

WyldemanATX's Avatar
I have been guilty of this. I have never had a problem calling myself out with anything. I think last night alot had a little board obsession with the drama in one of the other threads! The thread counts don't lie!

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
You posting whore! J/K No really!'s Avatar
good one whispers

why oh why!!

"mirror mirror on the wall"
Baloney Pony's Avatar
SHMB Addicts

Some of the Characteristics: (feel free to add more)

Originally Posted by Whispers

Howdy, Folks!

Okay, folks...which one fits each of you the best?
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
Howdy, Folks!

Okay, folks...which one fits each of you the best? Originally Posted by Baloney Pony
That. is. awesome.

Whispers, you forgot

8) Feels a great sense of accomplishment for protecting the innocent and the helpless, even if the threat is mostly imagined.

Might be 3b more than 8, but you get the idea.
budman33's Avatar
Tough post to respond to. You spent a lot of time writing it so I am wondering where you were headed, especially after the title.

You say you dealt with it yourself but are still dealing with it? Or you are trying to intervene on someone else's behalf, maybe hobbiests you know in real life to know the details around why they hobby/post/get riled up here and want to help them?

Trolling? I can't decide, all I can say is that was a well articulated post ... for which I hope the purpose was to kickstart others self reflection, and reflect more yourself.

On aspd I was definitely 1. no boss over shoulder, marriage collapsing, spare cash and hobbied a lot, posted a lot and reviewed a lot. I won't say I wish I hadn't hobbied so much because no one gets to the end of their life and wishes they hadn't fucked so much.
Whispers's Avatar
Tough post to respond to. You spent a lot of time writing it so I am wondering where you were headed, especially after the title.

You say you dealt with it yourself but are still dealing with it? Or you are trying to intervene on someone Else's behalf, maybe hobbyists you know in real life to know the details around why they hobby/post/get riled up here and want to help them?

Trolling? I can't decide, all I can say is that was a well articulated post ... for which I hope the purpose was to kickstart others self reflection, and reflect more yourself.

On aspd I was definitely 1. no boss over shoulder, marriage collapsing, spare cash and hobbied a lot, posted a lot and reviewed a lot. I won't say I wish I hadn't hobbied so much because no one gets to the end of their life and wishes they hadn't fucked so much. Originally Posted by budman33

Like I said... I wasn't expecting a lot of responses...... I just thought a couple of people might benefit from it....