Geniusman do you really need to post as many pics as you do?

sixxbach's Avatar
I am not trying to sound ungrateful but do you really have to bump up nearly a page of older reviews with pics? I do understand new gals, etc but many of the pics are of the same providers and the same pics!

I have no issue with you at all but it does seem very excessive IMHO.

Any thoughts from anyone else?

I like that he post pics, of me and other girls. Makes it easy when I am trying to see if I recognize or may even be interested in the girl.

I do however wish he would use more variety of pics...seems like the same one a lot of times.
  • I do appricate it, I think it is really nice of him to post the pics of me and the fellow ladies. I feel that it is nothing negativ
  • So why bitch about spilled milk just saying
flyboy23's Avatar
I agree with changing up the pics/not bumping old reviews.....sorry if I'm also bitching about spilled milk, lol
Whispers's Avatar
Unless I am mistaken Sixx........

All the bumped reviews are less than 48 hours old......

So they are not really "older" reviews......

But it is annoying as all hell and simply does not sit right....
Probably not worth whining about.
I like the pics. A lot of the reviews do not have the proper links to the providers showcase or URL. One quick look and you know if you want to pursue searching for the showcase to fantasize about possibly nailing her to a mattress.

Keep up the good work, GM!
atxbrad's Avatar
Of course the ladies are going to appreciate it. Im sure he does it for notoriety in the eyes of the providers more than he does it as a service for hobbyist. If you remember a while back he was accused of using posting leverage to negoiate a deal with a provider, but that blew up.

All in all, its helpful with the new girls or visiting ladies, but does seem to be excessive.

Just my 2 cents.

EastBayRay's Avatar
I have no problem with him doing what he does. A lot of times it save me from having to click the link to see the girls pics, I just scroll down a bit more and there's a pic from G'man.
No harm no foul. Keep up the good work G'man.

budman33's Avatar
I thought he was running a script, or was a bot. /jk I see no harm or foul.
guest031812's Avatar
I like that he post photos, & if you ladies want variety of photos posted just email them to him and he will change them.. Always been a sweet guy..
LadiesFan's Avatar
It was a great service before so many ladies had their showcases... now it is just clutter.

WyldemanATX's Avatar
I think it is just jacking up his post count along with his count to 10K.
It does seem redundant. How much time does it save? You either scroll down to GM's pics or click a link to go to the provider site.

I wonder if there is another reason for posting all those pics?

Notice they seem to come in waves? None for a while, then all of a sudden every post has them.
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 04-20-2011, 09:32 PM
I suggested that maybe he should try to limit the number of pictures he posts to 1 per lady per day. I figure that a guy doing research is going to look at multiple reviews of the lady he is interested in seeing.

It also keeps the forum from getting cluttered with lots of pictures of the same lady, if one happens to have a popular reviewing streak, which seems to be the case today.
