Have you ever done consensual non-consent?

Depurefymii's Avatar
I been obsessing over women forcing men aka reverse rape recently. Please tell me your experiences with it.
Does divorce court count?
I’ve only done it when I was the “aggressor”.
It’s my favorite haha
Funny, in my divorces, i got NOTHING, i just wanted to be done. Just limited to the misery of each marriage though, not any ppl produced during the marriages,and is exactly why i am what i am. So, good on women who can get some child support, even, for me, the prospect of battling it out ad nauseam was enough to kill me, so i always just fucking walked with absolutely nothing. My few belongings in a trash bag, really. I have poor taste in spouses, i guess and am far too sensitive to go 14 rounds over possessions/money.

As to the OP, part of the reason one of my marriages absolutely BLEW was bc i married a guy with many hangups i couldnt even put a dent in. One of which was that he just wouldn't fuck me. I ALWAYS had to initiate, and do all the work. I didnt mind at first too much,and though it was tedious at times, what really hurt was rejection (and this was back when i was classy and have always been attractive).

Im sorry, but ive got to say that i absolutely believe that spouses whom sexually reject the advances of their partners are a special kind 9f selfish and abusive. That type of shit will make a person stop feeling like they're human, even, and culminated with me hanging myself one afternoon some years ago (obviously i wasnt successful, lol, different story entirely).

Anyway, the TL;DR is that id had enough one day, years before it took it's toll on me fully and i believe i raped my one ex. Id had it, i wasnt taking 'no' for an answer, and while he was anything but traumatized, i DO know that in my mind and body, i crossed a very real line...the one between well, sex and rape i suppose. I understand where this could be a fun, sexual act, and ive done that, i actually have a bit of a closeted rape-y streak within me and is why i go for a certain type in particular and has always been good natured and is great and all, but this one jnstance that im referring to was an act of aggression, if you wanna know the whole truth.
bigdickdaddydom's Avatar
ya. its hot. seduction roleplay is hot too.
NikkiLuv92's Avatar
Sounds fun, id try it��
Gabrielle's Avatar
Consensual non consent can be hot as fuck. TBH though I find it more enjoyable with someone I am sexually familiar with...no, if we fucked once...back in 2017...that's not sexually familiar, sorry y'all lol.

My strap-on has not liked the quarentine much.