787.5 M is a small amount for the Deep State to pay to settle this matter

Yes, the Deep State paid the settlement.
1. It was never going to trial
2. It was settled over an extended lunch hour
3. Too much risk possibly calling for exposure of the Server Farms and the Algorithms as well as witnesses from around the World where the SW has been deployed and election results "massaged"

yes three points that are impossible to deny

Another Deep State coverup. Certainly will not be the last.
... Too Right! - in fact - they prolly BEGGED Fox-News to settle.

One o' me political "insider" mates has mentioned that
FOX is about to go into the business of selling
artwork that they own - can ya surely imagine THAT?

The artwork will be open to perchase by what's known as
"anonymous donours" - who don't have to reveal who
they are - or just how much $$$$ money they payed.

... Hmmmmm... surely would seem that Fox-News just
might "re-coup" most o' that $700 million.

#### Salty