SCAM! Watch out.

Today, I received an e-mail from someone offering to fly me out to spend time with a member of a famous band. From the get go, it was apparent that it was a scam. And upon researching the info provided by "Rob", not only were my suspicions confirmed, but I found some very disturbing info regarding said scam.

First, here is a copied / pasted version of the e-mail.

Hello my name is Rob McDermott i am the Owner of The Firm Inc (this is
actually the second time he is in Florida since seeing your ad and asked me to contact you ) which is a part of a larger group known as The Collective ( I'm>giving you this info for you to research me and my companies) we are a
management firm that that represents various musical talent, one of the
groups we represent is the band Linkin park, the drummer Rob Bourdon
was recently in K.C for a couple of days, and had seen your ad, He had wanted me to try and set an overnight appt. with you while the he was there but there just wasn't enough time for that to happen. They have recently started thier tour and have started in Europe. He is going to be back in South Florida for a very limited number of days dealing with personal matters in between show dates and he has told me that he still wants to see you.This would obviously mean travel for you to Miami, which we would of course take care of in full for you. I would have the girls in my travel dept. book and pre-pay for all your travel needs (I.E. round trip flight ,car, hotel ect. and ) and have all your itinerary e mailed to you asap, as to allow you to make your plans accordingly.

If you are interested please let me know as soon as you can, in order to be able get you to him as quickly as poss. This would be for one day, however if things go well he would probably want you to come bavk again in a few days when he has another "day off" ad goes back again. .If you are avail, and willing to let us get you to him in Miami ,please either e mail me here or call me @561-843-6549 so i can give/get you all the necessary details involved w this as well as allow you to speak to Rob which must take place prior to any plans being finalized so i hope to hear from you soon thanks Just a note you would have to be able to go to him tomorrow the 24th and/or the 28th
Thanks ROB MC

And HERE is a link to the info I found.

Mods, I hope I am not overstepping any boundaries by posting the entire e-mail / number / name / link to the scam info.

Feel free to edit my post as you see fit.
I meant to post this in another forum. SO sorry. I will PM a mod now and ask to have it moved.

SFviii's Avatar
Even Porn Star Angela Aspen fell for a similar scam as well:

Stay safe,
guest031812's Avatar
Thanks for the information sweetie, Thats horrible
Thanks for the heads up, its sad what some people will try to do.
Shackle's Avatar
It is very dangerous out there please all be careful. A good friend once told me you can almost never do enough research before meeting someone.