America regains it's focus!

During the ill fated Spring of 2003, George W. Bush lost his focus upon the perpetrators of 9/11 and invaded Iraq. Two of the principle reasons used by the Administration to justify the invasion of Iraq were:

(1) Iraq was somehow involved in 9/11.
(2) Iraq (still) possessed Weapons Of Mass Destruction and were intent upon using such weapons against American interests, both at home and abroad!

Both of the principle claims used by the Administration to justify the need for America to invade Iraq were later found to be false. GW's mistake cost the American taxpayer $1 trillion, approximately 4,500 American lives and thousands upon thousands more who were injured, many of them seriously. This poorly conceived war proved to be a mistake of catastrophic proportions and eventually was a principle factor in the financial collapse that occurred in September of 2008 and beyond. Therein lies the legacy of GW's 8 year Presidency.

In 2008, a war weary American public elected a President who boldly proclaimed that he would end American involvement in Iraq. Less than 3 years after taking office, America's involvement in Iraq is finally over. Thank you Mr. President!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
That has to be one of the most ignorant posts I've seen on this board. We are withdrawing from Iraq on the timetable George Bush negotiated. Obama had nothing to do with it. In fact, he wanted to extend our presence, but the Iraqis wouldn't hear of it. They want us out.

Obama promised to have us out of Afghanistan and Iraq within one year of taking office. He lied. He also lied about closing Gitmo, and now, in fact, he has opened Gitmo to American citizens arrested on American soil suspected of being terrorists with no judicial review.

Thanks for nothing, Mr. President.
[quote=CuteOldGuy;1946882]That has to be one of the most ignorant posts I've seen on this board. We are withdrawing from Iraq on the timetable George Bush negotiated. Obama had nothing to do with it. In fact, he wanted to extend our presence, but the Iraqis wouldn't hear of it. They want us out

think the Iraqis wouldn't give the troops immunity from prosecution so we didn't stay.
I B Hankering's Avatar
This poorly conceived war . . . was a principle factor in the financial collapse that occurred in September of 2008 and beyond. Originally Posted by bigtex
. . . and the revisionism begin.

What about derivatives, tranches, the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act,
sub-prime mortgages, greed, etc.?

By your analysis, those guys the SEC are after have nothing to worry about:

SEC Brings Crisis-Era Suits

Fannie, Freddie Ex-Executives Face Cases Stemming From Subprime Disclosures
LexusLover's Avatar
During the ill fated Spring of 2003, George W. Bush lost his focus upon the perpetrators of 9/11 and invaded Iraq. Two of the principle reasons used by the Administration to justify the invasion of Iraq were:

(1) Iraq was somehow involved in 9/11.

In 2008, a war weary American public elected a President who boldly proclaimed that he would end American involvement in Iraq. Less than 3 years after taking office, America's involvement in Iraq is finally over. Thank you Mr. President! Originally Posted by bigtex
Other than some op-ed article out of the Chronicle or the American-Statesman, can you point to one direct quote from George W. Bush in which HE states:

"Iraq was somehow involved in 9/11"?

Now, as for WMD's:

When did you personally learn as a fact that there were no WMD's in Iraq?

As for your praise of Obaminable's mastery of international relations .....

... aka "The French Solution"

But I share your pain BT, it's tough living in Austin without falling victim to their revisionism.

So as for the 2011 "announcement" ... how many times does he have to announce something before it actually happens ... (see below for instance) .... then see job growth, economic growth, reduction of health care costs, health coverage for all persons in this country (temporarily or otherwise), transparency, integrity, respected around the world, ... the friggin' list of empty promises is endless .... and tiresome ...

...let's not forget GITMO ...

Being CIC/POTUS is a lot tougher than overseeing the removal of insulation from a housing project .... and calling it "communty organizing" .... the overseer must figure out how to replace the insulation that was removed, so the tenant's won't freeze their asses off when winter arrives!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
That has to be one of the most ignorant posts I've seen on this board. We are withdrawing from Iraq on the timetable George Bush negotiated. Obama had nothing to do with it. In fact, he wanted to extend our presence, but the Iraqis wouldn't hear of it. They want us out

think the Iraqis wouldn't give the troops immunity from prosecution so we didn't stay. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Bush got around that condidtion, Obama wasn't able to do so. I don't think he tried very hard to extend stay.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
The invasion of Iraq was one of the most idiotic things I have seen our country do since it elected Richard Nixon as President.

I opposed that war from the minute it was announced and then Senator Barack Obama was only one of a handful of souls brave enough in Washington to buck the system and oppose it too.

It does shock and dismay me that even to this day, some people still think the Iraq war was a good call. Even with a trillion dollars down the toilet and thousands of brave soldiers killed or wounded, they cannot see how horribly wrong that war was?

I just don't how some people can be so blind, but I glad that nightmare is over and grateful to President Obama for bringing our troops home.

The war is over.

Unemployment is down.

It is high time that America and the world can
finally focus on peace and prosperity once again.

. . . Merry Christmas!

if we had not invaded Iraq and at last got rid of the Hussein Dynasty.

By now, Saddam would have handed over power to those two thug Sons of his, and we would have another generation of "Thugocracy", complete with rape rooms and mass graves.

Just something to think about.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Just to be clear, I am glad that Saddam is gone. Very glad.

Without a doubt, the world is a much better place without him.

However, look at the bigger world picture and the price we paid.

We already had him in a box and perhaps the people of Iraq would have overthrown him as we have seen many other dictators thrown out of power.

The way we went about it was clumsy and ill-conceived.

. . . We threw away our treasure and spilled our blood to fix another country's problem while our economy was going to the dogs and they did not even want us there!
[quote=dilbert firestorm;1950055]

Bush got around that condidtion, Obama wasn't able to do so. I don't think he tried very hard to extend stay. Originally Posted by ekim008
Guess you are one of the folks wanting us to remain,so we can piss off more money,and loose more troops.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

Guess you are one of the folks wanting us to remain,so we can piss off more money,and loose more troops. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
its not that. its a question of making sure that country is stable and secure.

Look, the U.S. has been in Germany & Japan since the end of world war II and the U.S. made sure that those countries remained stable an secure. Iraq on the other hand is not exactly a secure & stable state. I think we are pulling out too soon.
LexusLover's Avatar
[quote=dilbert firestorm;1952454]

Look, the U.S. has been in ...... Originally Posted by ekim008
.... South Korea .... we lost a few there also.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

.... South Korea .... we lost a few there also. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
that too!! Unlike WWII, U.S. didn't exactly win nor lose there.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Good to know...

BDS, (Bush Derangement Syndrome), is still alive and well.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-18-2011, 09:48 AM
if we had not invaded Iraq and at last got rid of the Hussein Dynasty.

By now, Saddam would have handed over power to those two thug Sons of his, and we would have another generation of "Thugocracy", complete with rape rooms and mass graves.

Just something to think about. Originally Posted by Jackie S
so what you are saying is that you want the uniteed states to invade countries we do not agree with and make them over to be like us? And stay there to insured they stay so! What about our own states. I thought you guys wanted to let the states run themselves as they see fit. What happened to your conserative view point when it come to world politics?