free orange's

lickidyclit's Avatar
The city of Buffalo culminated a major vice crackdown and amassed a number of prostitutes to be booked at the chippewa st precinct , the line was long and extended around the corner , an old bag lady noticed the line and asked what was going on," their passing out free oranges" a hooker sarcastically shouted out, so the old gal took a spot in line. When it finally came her turn, the booking officer asked " arent you a little old for this sort of thing?"" Oh no" she retorted " I just take out my teeth and suck the juice out".......................... ................
MOPAR11's Avatar
Lick....You're the best...
Lick....You're the best... Originally Posted by MOPAR11
Do you have any idea how that sounded, lol.

n0laARIES87's Avatar
So just so i'm clear on this, citrus is risque now???