Twisted Sisters? True Gentlemen? Helping Ashlee Summers...

~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 11-04-2010, 11:55 AM
A little while back, but still fresh in some of our minds - one of our sisters was violently harmed by a client. She has all but curled up in a ball because of this, and has not been heard from in public since. One of our members has taken her under his wing, but he is limited in how much is able to help. Most of the posts offering support have never followed though, and I hear only a couple gifts have ever shown up. Not nearly enough needed during this traumatic time.

I know times are tough for everyone... and me being retired and halfway around the world.. (and not well liked in these parts- I know) I shouldn't be the one to ask this...

Who amongst you is willing to collect/donate even a portion of a session for helping her? I am sending her something to help tomorrow, but SJ told me she still needs any/ cards, cash... I wish I could do more...

Maybe just getting the word out after a session-
"so-n-so has been on my mind... I am donating part of my fee to help, would you want to add an extra $20?"

Just an idea... Or ask them to help directly with her via SJ.

Look to the ladies area for more information.

Please don't be blinded by how much money you think we make, or how much you think we all set aside. In a crisis like this everything stops. No appointments, no regulars, no savings. Sometimes you just can jump right back into "working"... Her life is upside down and the holes are only getting deeper.

Please contact ShysterJon on ways to help her directly.
Hey Ze,

I am one of the guys who sent a p.m. to SJ. He was very thorough with the contact information and Ashlee's expressed wish that she wanted to be texted to the contact number provided.

I did as instructed and sent her a text message. I even identified myself as Matador from chat, which is where I have interacted with her. I never received a reply. That same night I went to chat and asked Itzel privately if she knew of a better way to contact Ashlee. She told me that Ashlee wasn't replying/answering to her either.

I can't be the only one who is having problems getting through to her. I can't make her answer back. I am still hanging on to my hobby funds. I was going to go visit my blonde addiction in Ft Worth with that money this week. I figure a small sacrifice could make this sweet girl's life a little easier even if for a short time. There is always later this month for my fun. Someone close to her and with her best interests in mind needs to start handling communication for her. I am willing to help but I can't do it if she won't allow me to. I know her situation is bad but someone needs to help get things in gear and moving pronto.

  • T-Can
  • 11-04-2010, 01:35 PM
I never got a reply but it was at the beginning that I texted her.
trynagetlaid's Avatar
I texted her and offered to send a Moneygram from my online account and never heard back from her.

Has anyone considered setting up a bank account for her? My credit union allows me to do free wire transfers over the phone.

No offense to SJ but I don't trust fucking lawyers.
lilsmurf's Avatar
Hard to help people, if they won't get back with you?
Randy4Candy's Avatar
~Ze~ you're trying to do the right thing here, but it sounds like you need a little help from the intended beneficiary. Someone's gotta answer for her if she can't.
I notice she had logged into her P411 act on Nov. 1st and I sent her a message thru that avenue and have not recieved a reply either.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 11-04-2010, 10:11 PM
~Ze~ you're trying to do the right thing here, but it sounds like you need a little help from the intended beneficiary. Someone's gotta answer for her if she can't. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
It appears that I may need more help - to help her - than I thought. I would take up the role, in person, driving door to door if I were in town, but I don't think I can openly ask anyone else to do that.

Even I would hate to "donate" and have money sitting in a Western Union somewhere...

Hopefully SJ can help us out with this...
Maxxi Roxx's Avatar
I sent her $50 through last week; both times I text her she responed back in a timely manner.

She is probably over whelmed and still in shock from all of it, I know if it was me I would be.
ShysterJon's Avatar
It doesn't surprise me that Ashlee hasn't responded to some messages. It's been difficult getting her to help me help her take the steps to deal with this situation.

I'm a big believer that a person should take care of their own shit. But that general rule just doesn't apply here. Anyone who's read her account of what happened to her should understand that the emotional trauma she's suffered will last long after the Taser burns on her arms and legs disappear. And a recent development has made the situation much worse.

Ashlee shouldn't be blamed for reacting in a very human way to severe trauma by feeling powerless and depressed. We should feel compassion for her, not attack her for being human.

I know Ashlee appreciates the help she's gotten so far. But she still needs basic financial help for things like food and medicine.

By today or tomorrow I'll try to set it up so that I can give information regarding her Green Dot Card account to anyone who contacts me. Until then, if you contact me I'll give you an address you can mail a gift card to. (For trynagetlaid, I'd be happy to mail him a receipt, signed by Ashlee.)
She finely replyed back to me but to late for me to help her today as I'm on my way out of town, but I did tell her a will contact her on monday and get some money to her to get her back on her feet.
trynagetlaid's Avatar
I just sent her a Moneygram.

No offense SJ, hope none taken.
ShysterJon's Avatar
I just sent her a Moneygram.

No offense SJ, hope none taken. Originally Posted by trynagetlaid
You can call me a freaking founder of the Tea Party and I wouldn't care, as long as you help Ashlee out.
trynagetlaid's Avatar
You can call me a freaking founder of the Tea Party and I wouldn't care, as long as you help Ashlee out. Originally Posted by ShysterJon
Do you discuss politics with your sugar babies?...LOL
ShysterJon's Avatar
Do you discuss politics with your sugar babies?...LOL Originally Posted by trynagetlaid
It depends on the SB. My current, Miss 7, has plans to go to law school and she's very interested in politics. So once she graduates, you'll have a brand new person to mistrust solely because of their profession.