My Lessons Learned from 2013

VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
I am so happy a new year is in store

New year new beginnings.

Now I know that my reputation has taken a beating this 2013. I just want to share my view of how it all went down in 2013 since so many people think that my head just got big out of the blue. or after my boobs? Ha (BTW thank you to al who had kind comments for me on my new additions)

Keep in mind all of the problems I address are completely Internet related, and nothing in real life has perspired, but "online" is another reality in the 21st century so hey it matters none the less.

I have always considered myself a humble person, I am rather introverted growing up an only child and always eager to meet new people and make new friends once I grew out of that. I have always been internet savvy and get enthralled in internet communities.

Now combining my internet experience, and my curiosity about what men think and how to better please them, I did deceive the board and make a fake male handle in order to read what the men were saying about me in my reviews and in the mens lounge. Maybe even not just about me but also about what they were saying about the great ones and the not so great ones.

I had my handle for a year before I blew my cover over someone commenting that , and I quote "Am not Cute AT ALL." a quote that I should have let my fans control which they did chip in, and let it stop at that. Instead I ended up being precieved as a imposter and a "bitch" trying to defend myself under my fake handle in real time. If I had never had access I would have never known and then that person who felt the need to tell everyone I was not good looking would have just at back in awe as the reviews continued to roll in about how awesome and sexy I Really AM. I understand now I really do.

On top of that I got my first NO review which declared I got a NO because I was too darkly complected and not light enough, which prompted many men whom never took time to comment on any of the 37 YES reviews I have but soon as I get a NO review, everyone wants to pile on. I still believe to this day that there is a conspiracy behind that which ties into me breaking into the mens lounge.

Shortly after I came back from my ban, I got invited to a secrete group that has no rules abut what people can say, for the sole purpose of seeing how many people had piled onto a thread about me within the secrete area and proceeded to insult me to measures many would be shocked adults would partake in. I felt emotions I haven't felt since grade school literally. But it made my skin thicker and tougher and by golly, it motivated me to seek out mind strengthening tactics so that no one can hurt me with words like that ever again. (It takes a lot to admit that happened to me and that it hurt me, but that's part of over coming, not being ashamed)

So by now I am on defense mode , and trying to convince myself that the emotional battery I have been exposed to had had no effect and in turn my posts came out as Arrogant.

It has not soured my experience in the real life hobby (of face to face action) but it has wised me up immensly to the behavior of people online. Beware, Beware

I have never had an alert or a NCNS posted on me. Every reason for someone not liking me on this board is purely based on internet hear say, nothing from REAL life at all. I have not fucked any man over on this board nor tried to harm anyone nor threaten anyone in any way.

In the end of my venture of being part of an online community and being apart of a couple of social groups that meet up in person( which were all a freaking blast and I enjoyed myself very much at every single event). I have learned a lot or a simple little rule for the most part. Let your reviews speak for you. Do NOT be a common poster if you are a provider. Men are anonymous, we are not. This is NOT a place to genuinely share your opinions. BECAUSE it is a place about fantasy and pretend, its not supposed to be taken seriously. If you can manage to only post playful, funny, very very neutral statements (which personally I am too deep of a person to carry on frivvles conversations, but this is no place for a debate), someone is still gonna call you out and say you have no life and business must be slow, because you post too fucking much, Why are you on eccie all the time? HaHa but its true. All of the legends of this board have less than like 500 posts and they are all ADs. I wish someone told me that before I jumped right into co-ed and wanting to be part of the community.

#1 , don't post on the boards what so ever unless it is to respond to a kind comment about you. even then it is better not to respond at all, all of the legends on this board post other than an AD ... nearly never.

#2 don't worry about what the board has to say about you in private places, ignorance IS bliss

#3 stay away from the boards point blank, once you are recognized as a great provider whom posts often, you will become a target for trolls and negativity. Picking apart anything you say. Just like celebrities are made out to be in tabloids everyday.

Never the less I have made good friends with many who know my true heart is kind, charismatic, enthusiastic and full of positive, good willed energy. I am only 24 so I have ample time to move on from my mistakes, and recover from the damage. I plan on being a provider until I am atleast 30 and I have learned my lessons from the first year and half.

My aspiration is to become a top provider. I care very much about creating an experience that is special unique and all fulfilling for the client. I WANT to be the best that I can be as a provider, the most decadent, the most toned, the most beautiful, the most catering. I want to master this profession, I am not here for a fly by night, I am not here because this is the only thing I can do. I am here because I love being a provider and I may have let a few assholes break my spirit on this board and tear me down for a split second. But I will over come all doubt and all of the fucked up shit people have to say about me right now.

I am a success and will continue to be a success.

SO my #1 resolution is to leave the boards alone, atleast the places where you are open to attack. It is what is healthiest for me as an escort and for me as a person whom wants to live a positive life without people whom don't know me , never met me, and never will meet me to try to degrade me and tell me that I am less than.

I fault no one but myself for everything that has happened to my board reputation and all I have to say is I have learned my lesson and look forward to continuing my escort career with a fresh start and a new year without opening myself up to fire.

Thank goodness for the men whom don't keep up with this drama, or just don't care. They are a vast community even bigger than the one on eccie if you ask me, or else I would have been had to start touring or something, lol. But I still do very well without traveling a mile away from home.

I wont sit up and pretend that I don't care, because I wouldn't be writing this. I do care about my reputation and I wrote this because I feel like no one understands, and for all I know no one cares, but just in case someone does they can read this and they will know.

If I am lucky this will not get 1 comment and it will go into eccie abyss, but I am prepared for the worse (pile on), I jut didn't want to end the year without telling the community I tried to connect with and failed just what happened to the once well - liked Mya Michelle of Dallas.

In the end I believe my complete experience on the boards has made me into a stronger person, and was necessary for me to be able to handle some things I may encounter later in life with much more poise, elegance and grace. Because that's what I am destined to be.

I also want to thank all of them wonderful men I have met over the last year and a half who have supported me and made me feel like a princess while we were together. I look forward to meeting many more great guys in 2014.

P.S. I consider myself a feminist and would never try to insult any woman on this board because I have not met any women on this board and have no reason to dislike anyone on this board honestly. My one exception to not being kind to any woman on this board is because they know they provoked and instigated the situation. Anyone whom feels I insulted them because of my comments even though they were not directed at them I am very sorry that you feel that way and I hope you understand that was not my intentions.

I can honestly say everything I have typed on this board was with nothing but good intentions, I have no alterior motives except to figure out how to be the BEST because I am capable of providing the BEST. I am only a team of 1, not many to promote me so I just used the resources I had at the time. Root for the underdog

We miss you, please come home!
Great post Mya!

Happy Hobbying in 2014!
ManSlut's Avatar
OMFuckin God Mya you'll never learn. I'm gonna digest this LOAD OF BULLSHIT and sleep on it before I completely respond, but I will say this...

You do have an alterior (correct spelling is ulterior) motive and that's to protect the way you make your living. You're the same BITCH who lied about my attempt to do a meet and greet with you and tried to discredit me. You'll always be an unstable, insecure, sociopath to me and everything you do and say reflects that. You're the same Hooker who basically told this whole board to Fuck Off and you were superior to us and you derived only a small revenue from this board...

Puhleeeze gimme a fuckin break!!
Just be you.... that's all, that's really all

Happy 2014
I think you are great and our experience together was awesome. I look forward to seeing you again. Lol Did you know that some of these posters on here think that I am you posting!!! Just be who you are and continue to be the best and your reputation will speak for itself. Ignore the people who want to tear you down they are always there and there is nothing you can do or say that will ever change them. Happy New Year and may you blessed with great joy and happiness.
texasjohn1965's Avatar
The gremlin has a better internet persona......just saying

PenisBreath's Avatar
I think you are great and our experience together was awesome. I look forward to seeing you again. Lol Did you know that some of these posters on here think that I am you posting!!! Just be who you are and continue to be the best and your reputation will speak for itself. Ignore the people who want to tear you down they are always there and there is nothing you can do or say that will ever change them. Happy New Year and may you blessed with great joy and happiness. Originally Posted by 75Murray
Oh Mya, save it, we all know this is your new male handle.

You are a walking contradiction. If this were sincere you wouldn't still be telling us how great you think you are or that you're the "best". This is not an Internet problem that randomly "perspired", but rather a narcissistic personality disorder. You need a reality check, homegirl.

Clearly, your degree in hospitality didn't teach you proper grammar. Go back to school and get off of these boards.


And by the way, no one gives a shit about your buffet style lobster meal. Why is that even in your showcase?
New year new beginnings. Assume you must mean this begins soon.

Keep in mind all of the problems I address are completely Internet related, and nothing in real life has perspired, but "online" is another reality in the 21st century so hey it matters none the less.

I have always considered myself a humble person, Be honest - did you laugh when typing this? I am rather introverted growing up an only child and always eager to meet new people and make new friends once I grew out of that. I have always been internet savvy (yet all the problems were Internet related as you state above) and get enthralled in internet communities.

On top of that I got my first NO review which declared I got a NO because I was too darkly complected and not light enough, which prompted many men whom never took time to comment on any of the 37 YES reviews I have but soon as I get a NO review, everyone wants to pile on. I still believe to this day that there is a conspiracy behind that which ties into me breaking into the mens lounge. Doesn't this contradict the new beginnings?

Shortly after I came back from my ban, I got invited to a secrete group (what did they secrete? Sounds too kinky for my tastes) that has no rules abut what people can say, for the sole purpose of seeing how many people had piled onto a thread about me within the secrete area (think they need to clean this up instead of letting the secretions lay around - yes I gest but you can't spell secret yet brag about how smart you are?) and proceeded to insult me to measures many would be shocked adults would partake in.

I have never had an alert or a NCNS posted on me. Every reason for someone not liking me on this board is purely based on internet hear say, nothing from REAL life at all (you still don't get it - you slammed and put down every male on here - that is REAL, YOU typed it). I have not fucked any man over on this board nor tried to harm anyone nor threaten anyone in any way.

In the end of my venture of being part of an online community and being apart of a couple of social groups that meet up in person( which were all a freaking blast and I enjoyed myself very much at every single event). I have learned a lot or a simple little rule for the most part. Let your reviews speak for you. Do NOT be a common poster if you are a provider. Men are anonymous, we are not. This is NOT a place to genuinely share your opinions (if your opinions are you're better than everyone else you're probably correct). BECAUSE it is a place about fantasy and pretend, its not supposed to be taken seriously.

#2 don't worry about what the board has to say about you in private places, ignorance IS bliss (then you should be VERY happy)

#3 stay away from the boards point blank, once you are recognized as a great provider whom posts often, you will become a target for trolls and negativity. Picking apart anything you say. Just like celebrities are made out to be in tabloids everyday. Come on - you chuckled when writing this didn't you? The problem is you're just like a celebrity so you're a target???

Never the less I have made good friends with many who know my true heart is kind, charismatic, enthusiastic and full of positive, good willed energy. I am only 24 (which shows) so I have ample time to move on from my mistakes, and recover from the damage. I plan on being a provider until I am atleast 30 and I have learned my lessons from the first year and half.

SO my #1 resolution is to leave the boards alone, atleast the places where you are open to attack. It is what is healthiest for me as an escort and for me as a person whom wants to live a positive life without people whom don't know me , never met me, and never will meet me (HERE HERE HERE but it became personal when you put all clients down) to try to degrade me and tell me that I am less than.

I fault no one but myself for everything that has happened to my board reputation and all I have to say is I have learned my lesson and look forward to continuing my escort career with a fresh start and a new year without opening myself up to fire. Again, this starts when?

Thank goodness for the men whom don't keep up with this drama, or just don't care (and don't do any research on who they see). They are a vast community even bigger than the one on eccie if you ask me, or else I would have been had to start touring or something, lol. But I still do very well without traveling a mile away from home. Then why this post trying to justify yourself? Hey, there's someone for everyone so you're right, there's hope.

I wont sit up and pretend that I don't care, because I wouldn't be writing this. I do care about my reputation and I wrote this because I feel like no one understands (Ahh, famous last words for people that can't play well with others), and for all I know no one cares, but just in case someone does they can read this and they will know.

If I am lucky this will not get 1 comment and it will go into eccie abyss, but I am prepared for the worse (pile on), Had you shown any semblance of actual realization of how you talk to people - both men and women, I would have NEVER said a word except congratulations and good luck.

In the end I believe my complete experience on the boards has made me into a stronger person, and was necessary for me to be able to handle some things I may encounter later in life with much more poise, elegance and grace. For the third time, when does this start??? Because that's what I am destined to be.

I can honestly say everything I have typed on this board was with nothing but good intentions, I have no alterior motives except to figure out how to be the BEST because I am capable of providing the BEST. I am only a team of 1, not many to promote me so I just used the resources I had at the time. If this true I wish you the best, but you're far from there my dear. Originally Posted by Mya Michelle
ONLY reason for my comments is you have and continue to be demeaning to others (in by no means a joking manner) and I despise that type of behavior. We're all in the same boat but you clearly put yourself above others. Also - been holding my tongue for months but I do not give two shits about your tits!!!

pyramider's Avatar
Nothing like ending the year and starting the new year with a bang.

I want it noted that I did not ask her to post taint.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
To Mya, do any of your threAds in Coed actually end well for you??

Just a simple question from an impartial bystander.
More hooker drama. Go Away.
BBW Katrina's Avatar
Nothing like a good ol' piece of humble pie to start the new year. The "one exception" and "conspiracy" theories build your case well.

Happy New Year and ahhhh skeet, skeet, skeet.......I mean secrete, secrete, secrete
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Well Mya,

Your actions will speak louder than words and so far, this is not a great start. You have said some really MEAN and I MEAN REALLY MEAN things to both hobbyists and providers in the past and one thread will NOT ERASE that. When you throw out shitty things, you are going to get shitty responses.

You talk about haters, well hun, you are your own worst enemy because you bring it on. I don't get picked on as a norm on this board. The ONLY time I get negative feed back is when I produce negative energy. When I get treated like a asshole is when I behave like a asshole. Only YOU have the POWER to change that so STOP BLAMING other people.

Your bad reputation has nothing to do with your haters and EVERYTHING to do with YOU.

Food for thought....

You get what you give so if you want something to change, go look in the mirror and be honest with yourself. You done a AWESOME job being your own worst enemy and your bad reputation speaks loud and clear of that. Now lets see how awesome of a job you can do by being your own best friend. I hope only but the best for you.

Happy New Year.
You do have an alterior (correct spelling is ulterior) motive and that's to protect the way you make your living. Originally Posted by ManSlut
Manslut how long will you hold this grudge. It's as if you were waiting for her to post so you could pounce. What women on this board doesn't want to protect their way of living. Geez it's not like Mya robbed you at gun point, or accused you of stealing.

Mya fuck board approval or acceptance. Here is what most guys want. For you to be clean, iop, ready to go at start of session, and most importantly rock our worlds bcd. You did those things for me and a host of others. Continue that and you will be ok.

Mya I wish you well and much success please please please no more book length threads