a rebuttal

Brook Cumings's Avatar
i think there has been a mistake or something... there is a review that i would like to dispute the last i believe it was posted on 7-8-2014.... this review is false or a mistake or somthing.... , i dont really know what was said in the review.. but i can say that i wasnt in the said area at the date or time... i do have c.c. statements proving so.. i left the last week of may .. , a 3 week differance... also the said rate is completly wrong ... a 50 differance .... and just a small inconsistentancy., the review said i was on time ... if then is one thing i want to change about myself is my time mangement... , i really cant not think of one time that i have been on time.. anyone who knows me can atest to that....but that can be hear say .., but i did look for any p.m.,texts, calls .., and i have not found any for or to the author of this review.. so, to whom it may concern .., please take these fact inconsideration and remove the review... thank you for your time ..,
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
. and just a small inconsistentancy., the review said i was on time ... if then is one thing i want to change about myself is my time mangement... , i really cant not think of one time that i have been on time.., Originally Posted by KatieJaye69
Why is this funny as hell to me.... he said you were on time for a session and you call bullshit because you're never on time?
the double negative and lack of proper writing just gave me a headache
Why is this funny as hell to me.... he said you were on time for a session and you call bullshit because you're never on time? Originally Posted by threepeckeredbillygoat

Omg I know right.. I would've just left that part out lol even if that's a valid point to prove that the appointment didn't happen, why would someone admit that they are NEVER on time? Seems like that may do her business more harm than good.
WTH, girl...telling guys you're never on time??? That's damn funny and honest right there...
Chung Tran's Avatar
I'm guessing there's confusion on the date... the review was posted July 8, for a session from mid-June.. "mid-June" can be a 2 week window, or so, of time
Large8's Avatar
Tran +1
Got a chuckle out of the time comment I have to agree don't think she has ever been on time. The wait has always been worth it great fuck great ass fuck. At least she is honest about it. Read my review when you visit Katie you have to plan for it. I hope she gets the bogus review cleared up maybe later than sooner.
WTH, girl...telling guys you're never on time??? That's damn funny and honest right there... Originally Posted by Prolongus
I have to admit it WAS funny & it was kinda impressive that she's honest enough to admit it!! I do respect her for that!

I hope the bogus review issue gets cleared up soon as well! It seems like more and more guys are trying to smear girls' reputations around here lately.
Mskoda's Avatar
Why is this funny as hell to me.... he said you were on time for a session and you call bullshit because you're never on time? Originally Posted by threepeckeredbillygoat
I can back her up there. Tried to see her twice and she backed the time up last second both times to the point I called it off. Brother stopped in first time and sister or parents next. Guess they are a close family.
no glove no love's Avatar
SMDH how did you think that would help?
SMDH how did you think that would help? Originally Posted by no glove no love
Aww I thought it was a cute post, lol
This one takes the cake for rebuttal, lol.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Yeah....by admitting she is late all the time she is more or less saying, I don't care or respect your time at all.

Great rebuttal.

Brook Cumings's Avatar
I care and respect there and our time together I will tell the truth I have severe anxiety so thank you for the constructive judgment have a good weekend i hope you keep your perfect streak at attendance. and mods how do I get the review down what is the next step