Orgasmic Mediation ("OMing")

Am I the only one who finds this hilarious? He needed a class to teach him? Lols.

I think the thing I find funny is how they think it's some revelation to realize that getting off all the time makes you feel good.....ya don't say?
Victoria Columbari's Avatar
I found it interesting. I think it is great that he wanted to learn how to make his girlfriend feel good. Not all guys would do that. Also, some ladies find it hard to be comfortable during sex or have a hard time getting turned on. I think this is a great way to do it. I don't know. I think it would be interesting to try if you have problems in your sexual life. Guys could always learn new ways on pleasing a lady as we are all different.
Oh, I am all for my partner learning/knowing how to please me to the very best, and for it to be reciprocated by me.

There was another video on this, I was trying to find it but couldn't. They were basically asserting that "OMing" has nothing to do with sex and is not sexual. That was the part I found the most hilarious, I guess. (In that video the gent and lady team are not even in a relationship; he is her "therapist". I was also thinking how many men would jump at a chance to have that "job", lols.)

It is entirely about sex, and helping women learn to be comfortable enough with their own bodies to enjoy sex to the fullest.

I guess I find it funny as well, that they try to pass it off with a neat and tidy bow, as something "legitimate" and not "sordid". I'm like just want to get off! (Which is fine, lols.) Let's call a spade a spade, shall we?
Victoria Columbari's Avatar
oh okay. I guess I missed the part where they are not a couple. Yeah, I thought this was all about making her comfortable to have an orgasm with her SO.
You're right. I do find it funny that the video is saying it isn't about sex. Yes, lots of guys would be volunteering to be the OHM coach. LOL.
Thanks for clarifying.
Lols, yeah. Hell, I wouldn't mind being on the reverse end of my job and getting to be the one who gets the massage, so maybe I should look in this, haha.