Please welcome Dkayz as our latest addition to the Staff!

Lea Madisson's Avatar
Dkayz is joining the staff to help the Kansas and Missouri forums. In addition, he seems to have visited Utah a few times in his hobby career! so he also will help in Utah, Seattle and Portland

Please give him a warm Eccie welcome!
DallasRain's Avatar
woohoooo welcome!!!!!!!
Welcome to the moderating staff for Missouri along with the other areas you'll be working with.

I know you'll have fun. All the mods do! Right? The mods never shake their heads in disgust or disbelief at what they are taking care of. Right? And they never want to quit? Right? LOL! Seriously, I thank you for volunteering in this capacity.

By the way, I don't expect you will have hair pulling aggravation from the Springfield/Joplin forum as it is usually without major least what is written on the forum. Don't know much about the behind the scenes stuff.

I hope you enjoy being a mod for this section.
Hot Summer's Avatar
Welcome !!!
StaceyMay's Avatar
Glad your here, Welcome aboard