Austin ads....

bigtxhorseman's Avatar
Are things slow in the state capitol? Just curious, have noticed some ads from the Austin ladies trying to "entice" some of us guys to head south.

Why would we leave Eden?
ShysterJon's Avatar
It must be because the State Legislature's in session in Austin. Our motley crew of elected hayseeds are too busy screwing over the electorate to screw the local sporting girls.
elgato111's Avatar
It must be because the State Legislature's in session in Austin. Our motley crew of elected hayseeds are too busy screwing over the electorate to screw the local sporting girls. Originally Posted by ShysterJon

Right on brother. Maybe we should all write letters to our reps down there in Austin and tell them to stop giving us the business and start giving the business to all the fine ladies just waiting for their calls.