Fun Facts About Yourself-hobby self

BBWDeAnna's Avatar
So i thought it would be fun to share some fun hobby facts about yourselves..perhaps a chance to get to know people better..I'll start-maybe even share info about the "fact"

I "officially" started in 2002 on the old ASPD board
However I had been in adult biz since 1999

I was 24 yrs old

I am now 39- yep 15yrs been doing this

I lost well over 500 reviews in the crashes of ASPD and subsequent follow up boards after it closed.

I was well reviewed on every major board in the country including: aspd, big doggie, eraps, sexguide,, ter and a few regional ones

I have never been busted-what you need to ask yourself is if EVERYONE can say the same thing----the answer may suprise you

I have never had to change my name on a board to hide from being busted---once again, i would ask the ones Im with if they can say the same

I don't hide my face- i don't have to, Im not ashamed or scared to be made fun of like some

I like getting fucked in the ass, don't know why, I like it better than pussy sex sometimes..weird huh

I like to piss off the emotionally weak, needy and easily manipulated men of the board. It brings me joy to pull down the curtain on this little bullshit fake stuff and call a spade a spade.

I like to get a reaction. It makes me giggle, as much as they like to think they wont, I can make them every time. I even know what they will say.

I have had whole multi page post solely about me to which I never responded and got to watch a certain someone flounder and twitch and totally compromise everything about himself in an attempt to get a reaction and god damn it made me fucking wet!

I have created fake blogs in the hobby to piss off the cliq and watch them worry about them. funny thing even after i point that out it still worries them..i would be asking myself why? what don't they want let out or are afraid im saying?

Fun fact: Im married, i never hide it in 15 yrs, never had to. my life my business, I have been happily married to a gainfully employed man for 21 yrs!

Last but not least fun fact

I never concern myself with being liked or casting myself in a certain way, Im paid for an experience, not to be attached to you, I fuck for money and im good at it..i don't have to emotionally drain myself an manipulate men to get paid and get reviews. I don't need to be liked from this board. try it, you might like it

feel free to share
Warden639's Avatar
Okay, I'll bite.

Honest question, 'cause maybe I'm just missing something, where do I see your face?
austin88998833's Avatar
Okay, I'll bite.

Honest question, 'cause maybe I'm just missing something, where do I see your face? Originally Posted by Warden639
That is an excellent question, since she has no showcase for some reason. You could always do a Google Image Search, though I certainly wouldn't recommend it. Some things can't be unseen. But, if you really want to stare into the abyss, I'm not going to stop you.

OK, gotta get on topic.

Hi, my name is Spanky. I enjoy riding horses, long walks on the beach and...

Wait, no...that's not right.

Been in the hobby since May of 2016. Not that long but by my reckoning I've seen about 35 ladies during that time. Most of them multiple times, some of them a lot of times. Not too bad I guess. My first provider was Veronica Sun.

My first P4P experience was a double with two ladies at a legal brothel in Pahrump, Nevada - Sheri's Ranch. Not hobby - so they aren't counted in the 35.

I spent WAY too much money and saw these two ladies, KittyCat and Cassie:

There's a blog about me. A lot of it anyway. I'm not allowed to read it.

I post a lot on the board, because I enjoy it. It's fun. I don't really enjoy conflict, but it seems to find me often enough.

I try to be helpful to others, especially to newbies. In fact I wrote a newbie guide, thinking that it had been a short enough time since I was a newbie that I could still remember what it was like, yet had enough experience to give them some decent advice.

I have a foot fetish and like footjobs. Don't know why, that's just how I'm put together. I used to be kind of embarrassed about it but I'm not anymore. I even have a thread about it:

I really dig kissing - one of my absolute favorite things.

I am a toy aficionado and always bring my trusty Hitachi Magic Wand to appointments. I cover it up with a condom for safety. Ladies seem to dig it.

I enjoy doubles and have done several of them. Would like to do more, but it gets expensive.

My favorite positions are Launch Pad and Folding Deck Chair, as anyone who has read my reviews likely knows.

I try to be very respectful and kind to the ladies I see and have several that I consider good friends.

I rated this thread one star because I know the OP does not care about stars, but somehow it's up to 3 now...

There's a crazed BBW who seems to be obsessed with me and I'm not exactly sure why.
This sounds like a great way accidentally out oneself.
BBWDeAnna's Avatar
If someone is so stupid as to accidently out themselves then well then they probably dont need fake personas

Fun fact about me... i could give 2 fucks about someones personal business. I hate having to know the guys real name to screen him. Its about sex people

Fun fact again. I have no patience for idiots who struggle with fucking for money
Danielle Reid's Avatar
Fun fact:

Believe it or not, I'm super shy and expect men to take control.

I was called a "little" once. My personality is in-line with daddy/daughter play (although saying "Daddy" is weird to me. I'd rather say "Sir")

I'm quite submissive if you press the right buttons.

I recently learned I actually enjoy breath-play.

Sex does NOT cure headaches.

I can't sleep with anyone I consider a friend. It makes it too awkward for me.
I have created fake blogs in the hobby to piss off the cliq and watch them worry about them. funny thing even after i point that out it still worries them..i would be asking myself why? what don't they want let out or are afraid im saying? Originally Posted by BBWDeAnna
I'm not sure how page after page after page of delusional ranting about conspiracy theories and of course "The Angry Hobbyist" (geez, there must be nearly a whole book about him by now) could be considered 'fake'. You obviously put a tremendous amount of effort into your amazingly shitty creative writing project. Fake in the sense that no one reads it, yes, that I can agree with.

Of course no one can read it since you made it private and don't give anyone access. What don't you want let out, and what are you afraid people will see you saying?

I do understand not wanting to expose writing that bad to the world. Maybe that’s the reason it’s locked down tight.
JaneDarling's Avatar
A fact that I recently learned about myself, just now, when reading this thread:

When reading someone’s self-description, If they use said self-description as a way to passive-aggressively demean others’ choices, seemingly in an attempt to make themselves look “better” by comparison...and I’m a bit embarrassed to admit this...but it seems that I’m inclined to immediately think they probably know, as a person. :/

I’m not usually given to snap judgements, but it’s just confusing and irritating to see someone actually *creating* the opportunity to spew negativity. I mean...damn.
XmanVirgo's Avatar
A fact that I recently learned about myself, just now, when reading this thread:

When reading someone’s self-description, If they use said self-description as a way to passive-aggressively demean others’ choices, seemingly in an attempt to make themselves look “better” by comparison...and I’m a bit embarrassed to admit this...but it seems that I’m inclined to immediately think they probably know, as a person. :/

I’m not usually given to snap judgements, but it’s just confusing and irritating to see someone actually *creating* the opportunity to spew negativity. I mean...damn. Originally Posted by JaneDarling
Plus 1,000+ You are the bomb Jane
BBWDeAnna's Avatar
Fun Hobby Fact about myself:

I have never offered a REVIEW special. Every review is earned and NEVER asked for. When guys ask "do you want a review" my response is and always has been/will be...thats up to you, reviews are for the guys, you wanna brag feel free too
BBWDeAnna's Avatar
Fun hobby fact about myself:

I have never seen the ROS of one of my reviews

can every provider say the same...SPOILER ALERT..they can't

#2. I have never told a hobbyist what to write about me in a review or how to word it or what to leave out

can the lapdogs in the crowd say the same----i know for a fact some of you can't hence reviews these days aren't worth a whole lot depending on who is writing them and who they are about
Unfortunate and not so fun fact about you.
Your poetry sucks.

You try too hard to lamblast Spank,
With reams of words so foul and rank.
If makes you look so small and weak.
A miracle given your physique.
Ok, drama or no drama… That was just funny.

*big sister hug*
Maybe I could get into this Arkansas thing and hug my Sistah.