So the Question remains.....

texassapper's Avatar
What else have they been lying to you about?

NIH official finally admits taxpayers funded gain-of-function research in Wuhan — after years of denials

I'm sure our liberals will rush right in to explain to us how this was Trumps fault.

So the pieces are getting closer to fitting.
Looks like Anthony Fauci better pack his bags, lol
The Biden Administration spent three years telling us that China was nothing more than an innocent player in this entire debacle.

More proof that Biden and his entire criminal influence peddling family are in China’s back pocket.
The Biden Administration spent three years telling us that China was nothing more than an innocent player in this entire debacle.

More proof that Biden and his entire criminal influence peddling family are in China’s back pocket. Originally Posted by Jackie S

Anyone who can't see that is as blind as a Wuhan Bat, lol.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I would proceed with guarded optimism. It's been 4 years already and they still believe they will find them a bowl of that yummy delicious Bats-Ass soup - any day now. Mmmmmmm good!
texassapper's Avatar
Ripmany's Avatar
I sell Obama phones and people lie to me every day thinking there can get a free phone.
eyecu2's Avatar
Could it be? Another Lie? LOL

Ex-CDC Director Admits ‘Significant Side Effects’ of COVID Vaccines in Young Healthy People — Calls for Independent Review Similar to 9/11 Commission. Originally Posted by texassapper
You might be surprised that I would agree with your post here. I do think we need to have continued studies for any medications, especially ones that were rolled out under emergency measures.

I'm a believer in facts vs talking points. Lots of medication has side effects, and some have them from the method of administration and any transport chemicals. Which has been reported with some Covid vaccines. But to say they didn't save lives is a pant-load. Immunity to disease, whether acquired by a full response from inoculations, or exposure to the disease directly still creates a desired outcome of immunity to some level.

HG Wells war of the worlds, that's what exactly killed the aliens that landed - they didn't have any immunity to our diseases, but if they'd stayed long enough they likely would have. We're just robust enough little creatures to hang on long enough to grow immunity.
texassapper's Avatar
But to say they didn't save lives is a pant-load. Immunity to disease, whether acquired by a full response from inoculations, or exposure to the disease directly still creates a desired outcome of immunity to some level. Originally Posted by eyecu2
Have you not caught up? The COVID stab does NOT protect against contracting COVID. It does NOT prevent transmission of COVID.. best they can say is you won't be sicker than if you hadn't had the jab. Which is an UNPROVABLE statement. To either prove or disprove that statement, you'd need figures that haven't been adulterated. Which we know for a fact we do not have by manner of policy.

If the jab was effective, they wouldn't need to offer you a free donut for it lol!
texassapper's Avatar

He also admitted that the vaccine wasn’t really “necessary” for people under 50 years old.

He THEN admitted that many young and healthy people have suffered “significant side effects” from Covid mRNA shots.

Although this is a significant admission, it’s a little too late.

DO NOT forget that 2 years ago, the same CDC signed off on forced vaccinations for workers, mandatory vaccines for pregnant women, and many people lost their livelihoods for refusing. Those who complied are now having to live with significant injuries.

They created a panic. Forced you inside. Gave you a curfew. Shut down & bankrupted small businesses.

Separated people from family & friends.

Don't forget.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Trump did all that

BTW - is this another Benghazi thread?
texassapper's Avatar
Genetic impurities in the Pfizer mRNA COVID vaccine could be as high as 500 times the permissible limit, according to a new study.

In the study, published in Methods and Protocols, two German researchers raise worrying questions about the reliability of the quantitative PCR technique used by Pfizer-BioNTech to measure DNA contamination in the vaccine.

Using their own tests on the vaccine’s lipid nanoparticles, they discovered levels that were between 360 and 534 times higher than the 10 nanogram per dose limit set by regulators.

The researchers argued that the methods used by Pfizer-BioNTech test for only 1% of the original DNA template used to make the vaccine, meaning that 99% of the genetical material from the template therefore goes untested and potentially undetected.

DNA contamination could have a wide range of harmful effects. DNA fragments could be taken up into the genome and disrupt normal gene sequences, leading to mutations and cancer, otherwise known as “insertional mutagenesis.”

The possibility of insertional mutagenesis is acknowledged in the patent for Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine.

The patent states DNA contamination could cause cancer: “The DNA template used in the mRNA manufacturing process must be removed to ensure the efficacy of therapeutics and safety, because residual DNA in drug products may induce activation of the innate response and has the potential to be oncogenic in patient populations.”

It had already been discovered that DNA in the mRNA COVID vaccines includes a variety of leftover genetic material, including the simian virus 40 cancer-promoting gene and plasmid DNA sequences from E.coli.

Enjoy the damage to your genetic material!!
texassapper's Avatar
Japan’s most senior cancer doctor: COVID shots are ‘essentially murder’.

Dr. Masanori Fukushima has called on the World Health Organization to lead an investigation of the harmful outcomes of the COVID shots.

"...spike proteins produced by the mRNA have been detected in the human body more than a year after the administration of the COVID shot, noted the oncologist, indicating “a severe problem.”..."
Michael8219's Avatar
Trump did all that

BTW - is this another Benghazi thread? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Politely and strongly disagree. Review 2021 in detail and Biden proposed OSHA rule to require you to get the jab or be tested weekly.

I apologize if you were in a coma in 2021 or have experienced COVID vaccine adverse events. I’m sorry for your loss. Biden and or Fauci will make it up to you (as they approach you from behind; just don’t drop the soap in the shower).
Yssup Rider's Avatar
No need to apologize, buddy. I wasn't in a coma in 2021, as you so inappropriately speculated. I was running a business.

I recall the federal government imposing such a guideline on government employees, but don't have any recollection of that applying to me. Were you forced to test for COVID every week?

No need to insult people who disagree with your passion about this topic.

Your comment is as wrong as it is rude.