Classes of Prostitutes

skbinks's Avatar
Yes, I know the difference and that for the most part 3 & 4 below are also 1 & 2 (in name), but the way I was raised there were 4 types of prostitutes. Actually I think there were 5 or 6 but for the life of me I can't remember what they were called or where they would fit in to this list. I keep thinking there is another one between Hooker and Call Girl because by these definitions, that is a big gap.

1. Whore: A prostitute with a crappy attitude. Can also be used to describe a non-prostitute that would sleep with just about anyone for free like the whole football team. Basically this was an insult. I never liked this term for non-prostitutes because if a guy slept with a lot of women, he was a stud, but if a girl slept with just a couple of guys, she was a whore.

2. Hooker: The prostitute standing on the corner doing $5 BBBJNQNS one right after the other in the alley or your parked car and not the cleanest of people, her or her clients. This one is pretty much all B&G. Basically it was another insult.

3. Call Girl: A higher class, higher priced prostitute that cares about herself and her clients. She cares about hygiene (yours and hers), appearance, safety, etc. She can keep a conversation going. You could take this lady out to dinner, dance, parties, etc., but normally would just stay in and talk or screw each others brains out, usually both. She is the girl next door type. There is normally a time limit that you can't always add to at the last minute because she might have another client shortly afterwards and needs time to clean up and be fresh for them. This one could do B&G and more. She could also be an Escort type of lady.

4. Escort: The highest class of prostitute that is VERY selective of her clientele and demanded the highest price. Very low volume and she doesn't do, or would rarely do B&G's or half hours either, mainly just dinner dates, weekends, etc. This lady could fit into any situation with you. She could be the screaming rocker girl next to you at a concert or the high class lady sitting next to you at a very formal event where she wears an evening gown and the guy wears a tux. You could easily introduce this one to your family, friends, and co-workers as a GF and everyone would believe it. Everyone would be jealous of you because no matter what you looked like, she would look like she was well above your station in life and that you must be something special to have a gal like that under your arm with eyes only for you while you were together. This is also the main one you would see rich people take on weekend or longer vacations with them.

For me, I will rarely ever call someone a whore or a hooker, even on here and even if they say that is what they are. Even though they will probably all say they are both, to me those are insulting words and more suited to some (but definitely not all) of the BP ads. The ladies I have seen on here would be about 80% call girls and 20% escorts and some could go either way.

So, going by these standards for this thread discussion..........
1. Do you know what the missing types are and what your description would be?

2. Would you change the definitions or split one into 2 different classes if adding?

3. For the ladies, going by THESE standards would you consider yourself a Call Girl or an Escort? I don't consider either one of those an insult.
FoulRon's Avatar
I've always heard your #1 broken down into "slut" and "whore".
The former is the girl who'll sleep with almost anyone.
The latter is just a slut who charges, and is usually used as a pejorative.
I've actually heard a young lady proudly reply, when called the latter, "I am not a whore! I'm a slut!"
This thread genuinely annoys me because at the end of the day we're all whores if you accept money for anything of a sexual nature you are a whore now maybe the difference here is whether you're a good worker or bad whore. Now do I want some random guy texting my phone saying a w**** are you available absolutely not. However a a joke among hobbyist that's one thing. Now I have seen people say have you heard anything on the skank yeah that's an appropriate but we are what we are we don't need to have a definition by our menu or activities
Sorry if anything I said is jumbled I am doing voice to text.

Sincerely Scotts favorite whore
Men don't marry celibate women. "Whore and slut" are derogatory titles men use for women. If a woman takes this too seriously and conforms herself to being the opposite, she'll end up alone. I know because I was celibate for many years hoping that would earn the love and respect of one man. No one ever so much as asked me on a date.

That's why I do this. I'm a whore and proud of it! LOL

I'm still lonely but a little homeopathy and maturity and you get used to it. *toasts the room* To another decade!
bule84's Avatar
whore and slut can be very affectionate terms between 2 people that like things a bit kinkier

just sayin
Difficult to get away from the whore classification if you sell it for money. You may be taller, prettier, and younger but if you sell it you are a whore. I do prefer prostitute to whore.
I have also heard prostitutes referred to as "working girls". I have also heard prostitutes refer to plying their trade as "working".
Some how I can't relate sex to working, but that is just me.
I work the heck out of a tweedle when it's in my mouth.

I also work the heck out if my hips.

Yup I'm working!!!
skbinks's Avatar
This thread genuinely annoys me because at the end of the day we're all whores if you accept money for anything of a sexual nature Originally Posted by SpiceInTucson
Spice, I'm not sure why it would annoy you but I am sorry, I didn't mean to annoy or insult you or anyone else.

I know that "hooker" and "whore" are used for all prostitutes and a person can call themselves whatever they want and it doesn't mean they are insulting themselves. They could call others that and not mean to insult them. I call my brother an idiot all the time, but that doesn't mean he is one or that I am trying to insult him, it's just in fun.

I was just saying the way I was raised, they were used as insulting terms and because of that, I probably wouldn't call someone either of those unless I was trying to insult them, even if they say to call them that. I understand on here, and probably any place outside of my own head, calling someone either one of those might not be taken as an insult by any prostitute.

As I mentioned, my questions where going off of the definitions that I grew up with, not as they might really be, well, I used the words, "These standards" not "These definitions".
I think it's just because there needs to be no titles or describing words. We are what we arw, and whether we do it for crack, for travel, or for college tuition, at the end of the day, we are all doing the same thing.
skbinks's Avatar
Difficult to get away from the whore classification if you sell it for money. You may be taller, prettier, and younger but if you sell it you are a whore. I do prefer prostitute to whore.
I have also heard prostitutes referred to as "working girls". I have also heard prostitutes refer to plying their trade as "working".
Some how I can't relate sex to working, but that is just me. Originally Posted by Jimmiwad
I almost forgot, I prefer to call them "Providers" or "Ladies". Yes, I believe that all women are ladies until they prove otherwise and that doesn't mean a Lady can't be wild and kinky in the sack either. I think I like "Provider" because until I got into the hobby, I never heard it used like this so it never had any meaning to me good or bad.

By the definition of whore, I am also one, or was, without trying to be. I guess I would have been considered a SB too. I've had women take me out to dinner in the hopes of having sex and they paid for everything from the dinner to the hotel room. The main one that comes to mind used to buy me clothes and give me money to do things with. She didn't want me working. Yes, she stated that if it weren't for the sex, she would get rid of me like a hot potato. Damn I wish I was that guy again because I sure can't perform like that any more. LOL
Randall Creed's Avatar
My take is only losers and jealous women use these terms to describe women (1 and 2). The first two particularly disgust me, and I never use them in my dialect.

As boring as this may sound, I greatly appreciate what these women do, because I don't always want to be 'attached' 24/7. Sometimes I just need a woman to be nice to me for an hour. That doesn't mean I think any less of her as a human. There are just needs that we have as adults. Mine is sex. Hers is money.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
your number #2 hooker I would think is all wrong
I like my bar room hookers
the slut gave it away
as all in this list is about the same
and how defined very
this thread is useless

mmmmm looking back at first post
they all seem wrong to me
oh and where is stripper extra/takeout??
micktoz's Avatar
Where I come from a woman gets called a slut when she screws everyone BUT you!
skbinks's Avatar
Where I come from a woman gets called a slut when she screws everyone BUT you! Originally Posted by micktoz
LOL, Then I would have to say that all the girls in my high school where sluts.