New Retirement Plan

BobsAlias's Avatar's the plan.

Every time I get the "urge" to call a provider, I just go rub one out & put the money I was going to spend on the dream into an IRA.

kcbigpapa's Avatar
It's saved me a ton of money.
Longermonger's Avatar
WWTWD? (What would Tiger Woods do?)
BigMikeinKC's Avatar
What lotion do you use, so I can buy some stock in the company?'s the plan.

Every time I get the "urge" to call a provider, I just go rub one out & put the money I was going to spend on the dream into an IRA.

Originally Posted by BobsAlias

I did something similar. I watched some porn first, but then blew the money
on something else. I need to work on the second part. I am almost there, maybe I need counseling. Nahhh, I enjoy my addiction!!
Longermonger's Avatar
Quit procrasterbating and just do it.