The Pfizer vaccine “does nothing to stop the overall risk of death”

texassapper's Avatar
Chung Tran's Avatar
Wow, Sapper, this is a powerful report. Very detailed.

Avoid the vaccine folks. Don't fall for the lies as I did. Pfizer and President Xi want to kill us.
rexdutchman's Avatar
They have been lying from the start , about covid and the "vaccine" Look up DR R Malone explains that sometimes the vaccine caused more damage.
texassapper's Avatar
Thanks for the hand off Chungy now suck it, beotch. The data is from Dane County Wisconsin (Madison for you geographic illiterates)

The argument that the vaccine results in lower viral loads is now proven to be BS. Just another reason not to get the jab.

Turn out the Democrats must hate minorities... they want them to get jabbed and apparently they don't want to.

Below are the infection Fatality rate (IFR) ie. if you got Covid, how likely are you to die from it...

Tell us all how Pfizers stock is doing.... especially Eliquis (anti blood clotting) and Vyndaquel (cardiomyopathy).

How expensive is HCL in comparison? What is India using to treat COVID? You realize why HCL had to be shouted down right? No EUA if there is an alternative therapy available...

I don't care if you believe or not Chungy, you've taken your jab and deserve the outcome. You fcuked up. you trusted the goevernment. lol.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Sadly this IS about money control and politics
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
the death rates from the vaccine is very interesting.

40% blacks older than 60 weren't effected by it, 60% of old whites were.

and middle and young blacks were effected by IT 60 - 70%.

not exact numbers tho, but I saw table on the article on this yesterday. not sure from whom. don't have the link tho.
  • Tiny
  • 08-02-2021, 10:51 AM
Thanks for the hand off Chungy now suck it, beotch. The data is from Dane County Wisconsin (Madison for you geographic illiterates)

The argument that the vaccine results in lower viral loads is now proven to be BS. Just another reason not to get the jab.

Turn out the Democrats must hate minorities... they want them to get jabbed and apparently they don't want to.

Below are the infection Fatality rate (IFR) ie. if you got Covid, how likely are you to die from it...

Tell us all how Pfizers stock is doing.... especially Eliquis (anti blood clotting) and Vyndaquel (cardiomyopathy).

How expensive is HCL in comparison? What is India using to treat COVID? You realize why HCL had to be shouted down right? No EUA if there is an alternative therapy available...

I don't care if you believe or not Chungy, you've taken your jab and deserve the outcome. You fcuked up. you trusted the goevernment. lol. Originally Posted by texassapper
By the official count, over the last 2 weeks, 5 out of every 100,000 residents of Dane County were infected with COVID. 25 out of 100,000 residents of Texas were infected. (1)

Over the last 4 weeks, 0.18 out of every 100,000 Dane County residents died of COVID. 0.39 out of 100,000 Texas residents died of COVID. (1)

The % of Dane County population that has received at least one dose of the vaccine is 70%. (1)

The % of the Texas % population that received at least 1 dose is 52%. (1)

While maybe vaccinated people infected with the Delta variant have viral loads similar to the unvaccinated, they're less likely to catch the disease and much less likely to be hospitalized.

I'd much rather take the Pfizer vaccine than HCQ. It's cheaper (free) and easier -- you don't have to take it every day. While I don't really know I suspect it's safer. And it doesn't potentially have weird effects on your brain - that's the reason I've been reluctant to take HCQ when traveling in areas with malaria. (It's a preventative medication for malaria.) Most importantly the Pfizer vaccine, through clinical trials and real world experience, has been shown effective. I'm not sure HCQ has.

I think President Trump took HCQ for a couple of weeks and then stopped at the advice of his physicians. He got the Pfizer vaccine as soon as recommended, given he was recovering from COVID.

(1) Footnote

Raw numbers:
Dane County population: 547,000 people
Texas population: 29 million
Dane County infections per day over 2 weeks: 27
Texas infections per day over 2 weeks 7172
Dane County deaths over 4 weeks: 1
Texas deaths over 4 weeks: 114

Sources: (Go to download data)
texassapper's Avatar
While I don't really know I suspect it's safer. Originally Posted by Tiny
And the problem is, neither does Pfizer, the FDA, or anyone else. It may in fact be safer, or not. But the CDC/FDA/White House are not transparent about its efficacy which in and of itself ought to persuade you not to take the jab.

If there's no issues, there's no reason not to be transparent about the COVID numbers or the experimental mRNA therapy shot.

Given the low odds of dying from COVID, I'll risk natures wrath rather than jab.
bambino's Avatar
And the problem is, neither does Pfizer, the FDA, or anyone else. It may in fact be safer, or not. But the CDC/FDA/White House are not transparent about its efficacy which in and of itself ought to persuade you not to take the jab.

If there's no issues, there's no reason not to be transparent about the COVID numbers or the experimental mRNA therapy shot.

Given the low odds of dying from COVID, I'll risk natures wrath rather than jab. Originally Posted by texassapper
I trust myself and my own Drs. Not Fauci, Biden, the CDC.
  • oeb11
  • 08-02-2021, 11:31 AM
Tiny thank you.

ta - the quotes are from a tweet - I would like to see the published data report.

Still - your mind appears made up.

I support your right to choose your own medical care parameters.

You have the right to decide not to be vaccinated.

as I choose - since I had the disease - not to be vaccinated due to my own acquired immunity.

A choice the howling, screeching DPST Mob refuses to consider.
and a freedom - among many - they plan to destroy.
adav8s28's Avatar
The Pfizer vaccine “does nothing to stop the overall risk of death” and 15 patients who received the vaccine died while 14 who received the placebo died.

See it before it gets disappeared into the cornfield. Originally Posted by texassapper
PFizer's clinical trials in Dec 2020 were very good. Were they lying.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
I think we're seeing the effects of the new variant
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
PFizer's clinical trials in Dec 2020 were very good. Were they lying. Originally Posted by adav8s28
You will never convince the nay-sayers.
texassapper's Avatar
PFizer's clinical trials in Dec 2020 were very good. Were they lying. Originally Posted by adav8s28
I'm sure they were... what are the 5 year effects of the vaccine?

How long after women were proscribed Thalidomide that it was discovered it caused birth defects?
I'm sure they were... what are the 5 year effects of the vaccine?

How long after women were proscribed Thalidomide that it was discovered it caused birth defects? Originally Posted by texassapper
So you pull out a drug from 70-80 years ago and compare it to today's testing and technology?