california one payer health system

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

to run such a thing costs 400 billion and they want to go socialism.

don't see how they can do both.
IMO the only reason it would cost so damn much is cause they have so damn many illegal aliens clogging the state up.. It's high time the Fed got hot and heavy imo, in sending US Marshalls in to arrest these cretins who REFUSE to abide by US law...
IMO the only reason it would cost so damn much is cause they have so damn many illegal aliens clogging the state up.. It's high time the Fed got hot and heavy imo, in sending US Marshalls in to arrest these cretins who REFUSE to abide by US law... Originally Posted by garhkal
Feds should offer a bounty on trespassers......I'm sittin in the middle of at least ten right now.

to run such a thing costs 400 billion and they want to go socialism.

don't see how they can do both. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
I think if the Government is really concerned about our health and wellbeing they should concentrate on actual Healthcare instead of just focusing on Health Insurance. We need to implement known effective treatments for catastrophic diseases instead of kissing ass to big pharma who are only interested in making money instead of restoring ones health. Changing gears maybe more cost effective in the long run.

J.G Wentworth's Avatar
I think if the Government is really concerned about our health and wellbeing they should concentrate on actual Healthcare instead of just focusing on Health Insurance. We need to implement known effective treatments for catastrophic diseases instead of kissing ass to big pharma who are only interested in making money instead of restoring ones health. Changing gears maybe more cost effective in the long run.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Very well stated
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  • 06-14-2017, 04:59 PM
I think if the Government is really concerned about our health and wellbeing they should concentrate on actual Healthcare instead of just focusing on Health Insurance. We need to implement known effective treatments for catastrophic diseases instead of kissing ass to big pharma who are only interested in making money instead of restoring ones health. Changing gears maybe more cost effective in the long run.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin

Originally Posted by WTF
You do know what I am talking about right? It's the drugs doctors are forever prescribing. You have an issue with something, they have a drug for it, lol. That's how they make their money. They never talk about nutrition, in fact the average doctor doesn't have but just a basic knowledge of nutrition. But it's not the doctors fault entirely. It's the drug companies as well as the government that won't endorse holistic measures in treating disease. Holistic medical practices are not recognized as viable medical treatments by the medical profession and therefore no holistic treatment is covered by Health plans in America. That's a shame because in many cases conventional medicine misses the mark and is very expensive.

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  • 06-14-2017, 07:58 PM
Yes, I know what you are talking about. Our country seems to have fallen on the fallacy that there is a drug for everything without taking into account the side effects. Plus big pharma, like you pointed out is powerful. One reason why we have this opiate problem
Yes, I know what you are talking about. Our country seems to have fallen on the fallacy that there is a drug for everything without taking into account the side effects. Plus big pharma, like you pointed out is powerful. One reason why we have this opiate problem Originally Posted by WTF
Yeah, the side affects. The side affects of some of these new drugs are absolutely hideous, they are worse than the ailment they are suppose to treat. Most diseases we get as humans are diet and lifestyle related and doctors in general don't touch on those points in enough detail. The subject of Healthcare and Health Ins. is vast and very complicated.

Yeah, the side affects. The side affects of some of these new drugs are absolutely hideous, they are worse than the ailment they are suppose to treat. Most diseases we get as humans are diet and lifestyle related and doctors in general don't touch on those points in enough detail. The subject of Healthcare and Health Ins. is vast and very complicated.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
You are so right. I have a long time friend who has cancer that matastisized throughout his body, they wanted to start him chemo and radiation, he said "no way, I want to live my remaining days as normal and as pain free as possible". they sent him for a psychiatric evaluation, said he was suicidal, he said "its not my mind that's f--ked up, its my body", after 3 months of what they called "psychiatric evaluation" and wanting to put him on all kinds of antidepressants which he refused he finally got do it "hism way". That was a year and half ago, he is doing as well as can be expected and to look at him, you wouldn't know that he is terminal, compare that to someone who would have been on chemo and radiation. He does have his life's affairs in order and is having palliative care and has everything arranged with hospice for when that time comes. He says he is at peace with his decision.
He is quite a guy
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

the die hards say its still the solution.
You are so right. I have a long time friend who has cancer that matastisized throughout his body, they wanted to start him chemo and radiation, he said "no way, I want to live my remaining days as normal and as pain free as possible". they sent him for a psychiatric evaluation, said he was suicidal, he said "its not my mind that's f--ked up, its my body", after 3 months of what they called "psychiatric evaluation" and wanting to put him on all kinds of antidepressants which he refused he finally got do it "hism way". That was a year and half ago, he is doing as well as can be expected and to look at him, you wouldn't know that he is terminal, compare that to someone who would have been on chemo and radiation. He does have his life's affairs in order and is having palliative care and has everything arranged with hospice for when that time comes. He says he is at peace with his decision.
He is quite a guy Originally Posted by Cherie
Oncologist have three modes of treatment Surgery, Chemo and Radiation. Overall Chemo fails 97% of the time. The basic idea with Chemo is to poison the tumor into apoptosis, unfortunately healthy cells may suffer as well. You simply can't poison the body back to health. Oncologist already know that but they are bound by the legalese of the medical profession they also make millions on chemo drugs. Cancer is a Holistic disease not a systemic one and can only be successfully treated by holistic means and that includes nutrition with whole foods. Think about why cancer patients on chemo loose their hair and weight loss is rapid. They say it's a side affect but it isn't. It's the body's degradation to the chemo. I think I would rather try other options than chemo. If my efforts were to fail at least my family would recognize me. Good luck to your friend.

Very well stated Originally Posted by J.G Wentworth
I agree. That was very well said. Just look back into even the mid 60s, where docs still made house calls. People back then didn't have health insurance, THEY just paid for what was needed when, and listened to advice on how to take care of themselves.. BUT back then docs themselves were also healthy.
Ever tried to get say a cist in your inner knee/armpit taken care of from a chubby as hell doc, who then tries to lecture YOU on getting fitter/losing weight?