Bad kissers

Nothing gets my engine going like GREAT DFK skills. Do you think bad kissers know they’re bad kissers?? People work on getting better at many things, do bad kissers know they need to do better? Should we tell them?

needingmilking's Avatar
Dude, hate to break it to you, but most women love to kiss.

Some dont like to, but it is very uncommon. Specially if you have kissable lips, supple, and if they are not dry.

The problem is not the ladies.

Sorry stud, but the poor women in the hobby have to deal with assholes with halitosis, dry lips, bad breath, bad oral higiene, smoke breath...

If I have a bad session, the first person I blame stares back in he mirror. If I dont do my research, if I am not perfectly fresh, if my teeth are not perfectly brushed, If I am not clean, and shaved, guess who is the asshole?

Dont go "outing" the bad kissers. Most assholes outing should brush their teeth after having spicy tacos.

Trying to kiss someone with taco, cilantro, onion and salsa breath, is rough.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
Oral Hygiene .. is the key to kissing DFK & GFE .
Needingmilking, No one is trying to out anyone. I was talking about communicating with said bad kisser to tell them it wasn’t great. I can only speak for myself but I take a lot of pride in my hygiene, appearance, and overall performance. I want to enjoy myself as much as I want my partner to have a pleasant experience but to say that the bad kissing is only the fault of the guy is simply not true. It takes two to tango...yes the ladies have to deal with the worst of it but implying that they can’t be bad kissers is silly.
needingmilking's Avatar
Maybe you are right.

You must be god's gift to women and the ones that dont kiss you are just crazy.

I mean, you convinced me! your level of communication is level 1000, even I want to kiss you. Dude, you are dreamy...

Yeah, tell us who didnt want to kiss you, please... They should be ashamed...

And I am sure all the other outing the bad kissers are just like you.
LuciaConte's Avatar
I think bad kissing is different to all of us. I like slow sensual kissing with some tongue and a lot of touching. I don't like people's breath in my mouth-- not even fresh breath.

My friend complained to me the other day that a guy licked her face while they were making out.

I had a guy once put his tongue in my mouth and swirl it around without stopping. The more I pulled back, the harder he went. It was weird! And then he asked me if I liked it.... No, it was like having my mouth stirred around!!!

Everyone enjoys different things! Lol
Crock's Avatar
  • Crock
  • 03-26-2019, 01:27 PM
I can take or leave kissing in the hobby.

But I must point out that OP was talking about bad kissers, not non-kissers. And there's definitely bad kissers out there. Horrible, goofy, awkward kissers. I've got more experience kissing Tinder dates, and out of hundreds of dates, I'd have to say about a quarter of the ladies can't kiss. I don't know why. I don't know if it's like rhythm, that you either have it or you don't. I don't know if it can be taught, but I know I'm not interested in teaching.

Oh, and I'm sure there's an equivalent number of men who are bad kissers.
Bobave's Avatar
A lot of providers probably feel this way -
Attached Images File Type: png your kissing skills.png (200.9 KB, 501 views)
I had a guy once put his tongue in my mouth and swirl it around without stopping. The more I pulled back, the harder he went. It was weird! And then he asked me if I liked it.... No, it was like having my mouth stirred around!!!

Everyone enjoys different things! Lol Originally Posted by LuciaConte
This made me laugh because you just know that guy thought he was rocking your world. 😂
LadyAnastasia's Avatar
If you do the chicken Peck thing over and over, that will lead me to avoid kissing. That swirl thing would have kept a dick in my mouth!
Richardtx's Avatar
I'm also huge on DFK. To me it's the equivalent to BBBJ, since I'm not into BJs.
DFK is what ultimately gets my engines going.
As my signature says, the key word is DEEP. Not down my throat, but definitely slow, passionate, sensual and DEEP. I think kissing is underrated.
So far, none of the girls i have seen are true DFK. None. Some use a bit more tongue than others, but none of them are true DFK. Mostly light, or pecks.
LFK and pecks are awesome when they lead to DFK.
But good kissing is kind of subjective. What i like, someone else might hate.
In my case, hygiene is not the problem. I work too hard at it. Plus I've been complimented on it numerous times.
I think the issue is many women find it too personal. I can dig it, but i wish i could meet my match. Someone who likes it as much as i do.
needingmilking's Avatar
How interesting that your review and this topic happened the same DAY!

What a coincidence...

Who would have thought it...

I mean, almost like...

Nooo... it cant possibly...
Richardtx's Avatar
Yeah that is interesting.
There are some great kissers here that I have enjoyed and some horrible kissers that in my opinion lessen the enjoyment of the session. I absolutely dislike like the empty void space of the open mouth kissers...I mean there is no tongue to be found, somehow they can curl that sensual membrane so far out of the way that you are tonguing a deep void of space with lips touching. I mean if that’s your idea of kissing just don’t do it.
Double posted...