Is there an easy way to “follow” certain reviewers?

Sickpuppy's Avatar
That is, can I sign-up for an alert of some kind when a review is posted by one of the reviewers whose reviews I’ve learned to trust?
SpursFan's Avatar
No shortcuts to my knowledge,

So clicking on their handle

and then on their reviews tab doesn't work for you?

That's why it is so important to list providers names in your reviews.

Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 07-15-2015, 10:27 PM
There is no way I know of to have alerts sent to you when a thread is started.

Spursfan's suggestion is the closest way to get what you are asking for.
You can subscribe to a thread. Each time someone posts on that thread, you'll be sent an email. You can do that by using the THREAD TOOL options at the top of the thread (that you wish to subscribe to).

You can't follow someone per se. You may add them to your BUDDY LIST. This allows you to quickly access their profile.

You may then, choose to click on their STATISTICS tab.

That'll allow you to:
  • Find all of the posts by that user.
  • Find all threads started by that user.