Calling all Carpenters!

Sort of...I am actually looking for someone who could build a custom massage table for me.

This is a hobby related subject because I USE my table.

So, are any of you builders? Do you KNOW anyone that is?

I found one guy in Houston but I REALLY would rather deal with someone locally.

The builder doesn't have to be in the hobby or know anything about it. After all, I AM a massage therapist...I just want a custom table built.

Any help at all will be GREATLY appreciated! Thanks in advance! --v
This is an interesting post as I've thought about customizing a table for a while now. I'd love to know how it turns out. I can think of a few table mods that would make things easier.
Well, I definitely want a wider, more sturdy table. All the stationary tables I've seen online STILL have adjustable legs. I want solid boards for legs. My table isn't going to go anywhere! I have a portable...

I'll let you know if I have any luck!
elpocitopolloloco's Avatar
Hi Vnurse

I'm not a carpenter...but every morning I have fresh wood I could supply you.
Wider is always better! I would also want a removable arm rest. And extra support in the middle of the table. awesome as that osunds, we MIGHT end up on the floor if I don't get a new table soon! LOL!
Sounds like you are getting ready for an appointment with me. Add extra legs!
FMH...I would LOVE to see you! New table OR old!
Bestman200600's Avatar
Why don't you check the local classifieds and see if you can pick one up. People get in and out of the business all the time.
Oh I know about the classifieds and CL but the only tables I have found are regular, adjustable portable tables. I am wanting a CUSTOM table as I want one that is larger and sturdier!

I appreciate the suggestions though!
Bestman200600's Avatar

I could build the table in an hour for you, but my SO would shoot me with her hand gun.
Well Bestman...we couldn't have THAT now, could we?!
You know, a custom solid table would definitely solve the "impact" problem.
No need to transfer when the time arises (or when something else rises! LOL)

Have also been considering armrest. Would be most comfortable for the client (and me)
for certain techniques.

If you find someone, please pass on the info.
I've been known to work with wood, but not erecting tables.
Well Mr. Hunter...from what I gather, you could probably pound some nails with YOUR wood. Am I correct?

If and when I find the right gentleman, I will let you know Dragonfly and Dharma.