So Much Practice...where is Miss Perfect?

elpocitopolloloco's Avatar
If practice makes any better. I was wondering if there are any providers that mastered the art of ecstasy.

Surely by now...there has to be someone that knows how to take any man to the height of pleasure.

I just want to know your name...and availability.
elloco, that would be me...I have times available all week. least that's what I heard (more than once) last week!
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 09-21-2009, 05:29 PM
If practice makes any better. I was wondering if there are any providers that mastered the art of ecstasy.

Surely by now...there has to be someone that knows how to take any man to the height of pleasure.

I just want to know your name...and availability. Originally Posted by elpocitopolloloco
the key is chemistry baby,and not being scared to explore one another's
bodies and if we can both do that then the possibilities
are endless, the taunting and teasing and the lips connecting and skin
on skin and tongues exploring each others bodies...OMG I think if there
is some kind of connection it is going to happen even if it is just for
a moment you will reach a level of ecstasy......
  • SummerBella
  • 09-22-2009, 12:58 PM
For me this is a question that requires a question.

1. What is your definition of ecstasy?

I am of the opinion it is different things to different people.

Most of us have different "sweet" spots that help them climax quicker or maybe stronger. Is that ecstasy – not always in my book! I am one that believes it takes two people who have the time and desire to explore different levels of pleasure/passion and take it to ecstasy. This requires a combination of a few things: trust, desire and chemistry and the ability to give oneself completely to the moment where the entire body, mind and soul work together……………..

I believe that is along the lines of what Fawn was saying........

I would love to believe I could be a one stop shop f or all men ........ the fact is there is no way I could be as some people will never give themselves to the moment.
elpocitopolloloco's Avatar
...This requires a combination of a few things: trust, desire and chemistry and the ability to give oneself completely to the moment where the entire body, mind and soul work together…………….. Originally Posted by SummerBella
The operative word here is trust. It is not freely given. It is earned. When is easily lost and difficult to reacquire at the same intensity.

Trust requires a deep investment of time and emotional nakedness by (at least) two parties. When trust is present...freedom and liberty always come to the occasion.

Unless the three of those (trust, freedom, and liberty) are functioning, tapping into the fullness of desire and chemistry is at best limited. Sadly, even this limited experience could pass for a GFE.

Personally, I believe ecstasy can be explored when (at least) two can be vulnerable with one another, uninhibited, and mutually curious to go where ever the road takes them. A bit of irony, that doesn't require sex.

I have received winks that were more climatic than orgasms. A caress that was more arousing the "F#(K me baby!" Whispers that are more titillating than a naked body. When trust is present...every experience is heightened.

So I guess the real question is not are you Miss Perfect. No. The real question is are you Trustworthy? Am I? Is she? What about him? Are we?

Even though we are having a conversation in the public...we trust what is said here is safe...otherwise we wouldn't share the darker secrets of our lives with aliases, handles, and avatars. We would use our real names and be the slightly imperfect people we are. the end...maybe we all have some trust issues. Is that blocking our shared ecstasy?

What do you think?

Thanks SummerBella, Fawn, and VNurse.
"...ecstasy can be explored when (at least) two can be vulnerable with one another, uninhibited, and mutually curious..."

THAT is SOOOO true! Funny but last night I actually had a dream about the one that I probably had the most ecstatic experiences with. Not sure where THAT (the dream) came from but it was interesting.

We were so COMPLETELY into each other and trusted and experimented with each other and had PHENOMENAL experiences.

I think you can experience "ecstasy" in a brief time too though. If one feels comfortable and can just relax (I'm speaking of my sessions), you can most definitely have those eyes rolling back in the head blissful moments. The more familiar the better in my opinion though.

This is really a deep thought deal here...
  • SummerBella
  • 09-23-2009, 09:21 AM
I believe there are different levels of TRUST; there is the way you trust you spouse, your parents, children and in my opinion your lover etc.

As it relates to your lover and the desire to reach a peak of pleasure that is more than on the surface maybe a level of ecstasy........I would have to know that he/she is not going to do things that will ultimantly hurt me physically or subject me to dangerous things such as STD's etc... Yes, I believe this is possbile between a hobbyist and provider although it may take a little time.

In my opinion that is only one part of the overall equation as it relates to my ideal of true ecstasy.

However, I can honestly say that if I have any one gift in life, it is the ability and desire to give and receive pleasure on multiple levels of engagement. I don't know any other way to be. It is all a beautiful dance.