GP my Condolences


My condiolences go out to you as the voice of Sponge Bob square pants, Patricks best friend has died!!

Some of thier best moments!!
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 09-27-2012, 06:58 PM
I may have to look into changing my avatar again.
Lexxxy's Avatar
MC's Avatar
  • MC
  • 09-27-2012, 09:49 PM
Whenever I see GP's avatar I think of this clip:

malonely's Avatar
Take comfort GP, Tom Kenny is not dead. I just heard an interview with him and he talked about the rumors. Rest assured he is very much alive. The Avatar can stay.
Yea i did hear the same thing damn people startring lies all the time!!
pyramider's Avatar
Patrick is a starfish.
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 10-28-2012, 07:16 PM
They are just showing their concern for me. Can't you feel the love? It warms the cockles of my heart.
mad469s's Avatar
They are just showing their concern for me. Can't you feel the love? Originally Posted by GP
I see the concern and feel the love everytime someone quotes you, GP, good or bad.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
pyramider's Avatar
Starfish stinck.
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 10-29-2012, 03:49 AM
But if you cut something off, it grows right back!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
you date Mrs Bobbitt, cool
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 10-30-2012, 03:57 PM
My cockles don't feel so warm today