storm gear...

well i figured id just sit right down and write these few notes in regards to storm gear...

we all know the regular crap..stock on on water..toilet paper and a multifunctional bucket...oh yea.. probably wanna have a few bags of chips lying around too..hehehhe

one thing i will tell ya about is this..i have at least 4 bxes of condoms on hand..why? cuz you never know when you gotta break em all out..blowem up tyem together and use them as a floating device..i figure 4 to 5 boxes is a smaller boat the size of a dingy.. just in case i gotta make a jump for it out the second floor window ..cuz ya'll know im a good flight up...

what outa the ordinary things do you stock up on during a storm or hurricane...

ill tell ya about more of my stuff more interested in you and yours...;D
gasoline,,,,,,,,,,,,rocket launcher.....lug wrench

and chips
Gas in car to charge my cell phone!!
Whitenoise's Avatar
A healthy supply of wine (for the heart health benefits of course) and spearfishing equipment -- used to deflate improvised condom flotation devices and capture the contents - namely the lady and her bags of chips. What more would I need to ride out the storm -- her, her chips, me , my for two ..... or more if more rafts are afloat.
Tiger's Avatar
  • Tiger
  • 10-29-2012, 01:24 PM
well i figured id just sit right down and write these few notes in regards to storm gear...

we all know the regular crap..stock on on water..toilet paper and a multifunctional bucket...oh yea.. probably wanna have a few bags of chips lying around too..hehehhe

one thing i will tell ya about is this..i have at least 4 bxes of condoms on hand..why? cuz you never know when you gotta break em all out..blowem up tyem together and use them as a floating device..i figure 4 to 5 boxes is a smaller boat the size of a dingy.. just in case i gotta make a jump for it out the second floor window ..cuz ya'll know im a good flight up...

what outa the ordinary things do you stock up on during a storm or hurricane...

ill tell ya about more of my stuff more interested in you and yours...;D Originally Posted by anita germane
Instead of condoms, couldn't you use a blow-up doll or two to Mcguyver a raft together with duck tape? (I suppose ya'll could put some of that fetish gear to use to hold the raft together, too)

I'm not going to do anything for this storm. After the ice storms, and last years multiple wind storms- I all ready have plenty of water, batteries and blankets.
im thinking i need to get Whitenoise over here..just cuz he made a very intelligent argument plus he got skills with spearfishing and the equipment to go along with it....(chips wine and a handsome man and all is fine)... tiger.. i dont really get into blowup dolls so i dont have those in stock..i could just tie the ends of my jeans together to make floatation devises..however..the condoms seems soo easy and are already on hand..heheheh..vern if your car is flooded screwed..heheheheh i should have jb around too we may have to send him out on the rocket launcher to get us help..
Tiger's Avatar
  • Tiger
  • 10-29-2012, 02:16 PM
Maybe Vern is going to use his car to go get OSD's boat.

Anita, I don't get the blowups either, but I did learn how to make the blue jeans floatie (Thanks to a dad's naval service). Before I get to that stage, I'll just use an air mattress and put the small tent on top of it.

I think the best bet for the Albany guys to book with AlbanyBlonde because she has her own boat.
Anita, it does sound as though you are preparing a hurricane party!
im thinking i need to get Whitenoise over here..just cuz he made a very intelligent argument plus he got skills with spearfishing and the equipment to go along with it....(chips wine and a handsome man and all is fine)... Originally Posted by anita germane
Now I'm jealous. I just got my case of survival wine and coulda filled those condoms for ya (one way or another).

In any event, good luck everyone. Looks like we'll miss the worst of it. Be thankful its not snow.
Maybe Vern is going to use his car to go get OSD's boat.
Originally Posted by Tiger

Damn he's in charge of the Ark!!! Guess I scored for my last time!! LOL

Hope everyone survives the storm ok!! Well maybe not everyone, I would be ok if a few could blew away!!! LMFAO!!!

I'm going home to batten down the hatches.

Anita can I use some of those condoms!! Don't have any at my house I don't get any at home anways. I could at least play indoor volleyball anyone wanna come over We can play naked!!!
lol..yea..your all welcome to come and batten down the hatches at my spot..bring your survival gear...nakey volleyball..hmmm...i dont know bout that...guess we could go to the roof!!

stay warm and stay dry and if your locked down make sure your lockdownbuddy is sexxxxyyyy!!!!!!
i should have jb around too we may have to send him out on the rocket launcher to get us help.. Originally Posted by anita germane
just in case a "spontaneous demonstration " breaks out
Perfect Gentleman's Avatar
Ladies have built in flotation devices and men built in rudders. Without us they would just float in circles.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
ark is parked. After 80 dollars filling up truck another 100 on gas for generator. I'm not about to dump another 200 on gas for a boat. If needed I will just pump the gas from the other two.

If power goes out I wounder if my neighbor will remember to take house off the grid before hooking up his 2nd generator. He fried his 1st lighting up the neighborhood last time.
HlavinKitheri's Avatar
Now I'm almost sorry the storm skipped us!