Help Me Interpret This Please

I have found a massage therapist that gives a great massage. She works at a local spa. What I have found so far is that each time she gives me a massage, she seems to become a little more comfortable massaging me. So far she seems to explore just a little bit more of my body with each massage that I get. Today was my fourth massage from her. She gives such a great massage, that I end up sporting a hard on shortly after she begins the massage. Today she brushed it. I enjoyed it, but figured it was probably an accident. Then she brushed it again shortly after that. Neither one of us said anything about it.

What does that mean?
Did she brush it on purpose twice?
Was it an accident both times?
Has anyone gotten a more intimate massage from a local spa, that is not known for that?
How do I let her know that she can massage anywhere and everywhere?
Am I getting my hopes up or is there a chance she let her hands roam?
I am wondering if there is a chance she will become more comfortable massaging everywhere on my body?
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Ask her how much she's charge just to rub on that particular area. Then let us know how much so we can go get rubbed on.
That sounds like a good way to get told to not come back ….
Doing what it takes to keep you coming back? My experience is legitimate CMTs know exactly what they’re doing and so probably not an accident. Maybe ask if she does mobile freelance? Many CMTs have a portable massage table.
I may have to ask her that. That makes sense that she would do just enough to get me to see her again …. It’s working …. Lol …
This happened to a friend of mine many years ago. He stopped for a massage on High Street. He began to get aroused and he said he was thinking of work, football games or anything to distract himself. He went back another time and asked what he should do “if anything came up.” The demeanor of the therapist had been very clinical up to that point. She smiled and asked him what he would want her to do. He said she should “take care of it”. At the proper time, she finished him off by hand. Afterward he asked what he owed for the “extra”. She said $5.00.
You might try that…I don’t think the approach would get you uninvited.
That’s a good play, Chief!
Thanks, I will have to keep that in mind. I am trying not to get hopeful that it will get past where it has gone, because I don’t want to get my hopes up and then get disappointed. But if she decides to let her hands roam, I am not going to stop her …. Lol …
I got another massage from her today. She did not brush it today, in fact she did not get close to it. I think it was just an accident the last time.