Handler/boyfriend/cuck lol

So I will never understand why some of these girls don't review their own photos before posting them. And just a heads up to guys when you are checking to see who is available... Always ask yourself who takes the photos if you can see both of the girl's hands clearly or you can tell she didn't set the phone up to snap the photo herself. I wonder whose legs those are in the background in the bed on the fourth pic? Out of sight/out of mind that's my motto.

  • B 281
  • 02-11-2022, 03:44 PM
They all have a bf/pimp/cuck so that’s not really surprising. That girl looks good though I plan on seeing her once I see confirmation that she’s legit
Did you miss the part about out of sight and out of mind... It's actually stuff like this that makes me not want to see a girl... Is she too fucking lazy to crop that out?