Review: what a rude , self centered , inconsiderate BITCH

Date: 8/16/12
Provider: Brittney Because
Phone:edited by staff
Email Address:
URL / Website:
City: houston
State: Texas
Address: -
Appointment Type: -
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: No
Activities: none
Session Length: -
Fee: -
Hair Color and Length: -
Age: -
Smoking Status: -
Ethnic Background: -
Physical Description: i am writing this here so even those without BCD can read it. I tried for two weeks to see Britney. She called me and texted me yesterday and she said that she had today at 10 am and for me to call her at 9am to confirm. Well i was so excited to see her, i took half a day off from work just to see her. Now i have to work Saturday to make it up. So i set my alarm for 7am, got up showered and sheaved EVERYTHING to be fresh and clean for her. I send several text messages but she never writes back so at 9am and the Bitch tells me that she is overbooked today and needs to cancel. I tell her yea, we have an appointment for 10am and i still have the voicemail and the text she sent. Then the Bitch tells me that the real problem is that she had her nails done last week and one is already peeling and its driving her crazy and she has a nail appointment. So i suggest a little later time and the Bitch is full of excuses. So we decide that Friday is better and i should CHECK with her in the morning. So an hour goes by and i send her a text message that said , Im really upset with you, i took off half a day of work to see you and now i half to work Saturday. . If there is anyway that i can still do it today i would appreciate it. Then the Bitch sends me a nasty message with all kinds of four letter words which really showed her class. and then she tells me to never contact her again. Well she dont have to wotrry about that.
Recommendation: No
Mojojo's Avatar
Ncns go in co-ed
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 08-16-2012, 10:18 AM
That sucks man sounds like some bullshit to me. Gotta have a backup plan to at least get your nut for the day.
EmilyofHouston's Avatar
I wouldn't do that to you.
I've already replied to this in the alerts section, but I may as well reply here as well...
****************************** *
Texanfan I will again apologize that something transpired that required my attention at the time of our scheduled appointment. I attempted to reschedule our time; however the fact that you chose to respond in a way that was rude and belittling resulted in my choosing not to see you at all in the future. Furthermore, I do not use four letter foul words in my emails or my text. Please do not lie about me. If you cannot tell I am educated and do understand the proper use of punctuation and spelling.
And yes the problem was my nails. You may ask anyone who knows me, I hobby not as a job or as a profession, but because it's fun, and in order to have fun a girl must be confident and ready to enjoy her time.
My response to you when you "threatened" to post warnings about was "Have a wonderful day"
to which you replied that "you hope I get mouth sores from sucking a "disk" today"... I assuming that was supposed to be dick, but please correct me if I am wrong. Why would you wish something so negative on anyone?
You sir are the type of person that gives this site a bad rep and why providers from other boards choose to not even advertise here.

I will repeat my sentiments that I wish you have great day because I think that is what everyone deserves... even people as rude and negative as you seem to be.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Do providers even search handles before they book appointments anymore?

60-90 seconds of looking through this guys posting history would show you how disrespectful towards providers he is. Take a look right now, search his recent posts ... nothing but bitching about this, bitching about that, drama and whining about low class hookers. Why would you want to see someone who speaks in the fashon he does?

Brittany you are right when you say "You sir are the type of person that gives this site a bad rep and why providers from other boards choose to not even advertise here." .... but you are the one who did not reseach him correctly before accepting the appointment. As you say, you do this not as work, yet for fun, so in that context, you should be able to be even more picky about who you decide to see.

While I do think skipping an appointment becuase of your nails is highly unprofessional, in this case you did yourself a favor. I don't know one provider who would accept an appointment request from the OP.
Brooke you are absolutely correct! It was very unprofessional of me, but without going into details it was an issue that would have distracted me from the moment, and that is something that I never want.
I did have an idea of the type of attitude of this gentleman; perhaps I thought I would be the exception to the rule. You live and learn.
You are right Brooke, definately need to do more homework! I do to as well!
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
but without going into details it was an issue that would have distracted me from the moment. Originally Posted by BrittneyBecauze

Very true. I don't know everything and honestly you seem very smart and kind, so I am thinking your nails may have been a divine intervention this morning
TransAm's Avatar
Would it be appropriate to ask for a little more information about what the issue was? Because honestly, there might be a scenario where I WOULDN'T feel like TF if a provider broke an appointment because of her nails... but right now I can't think of what it would be.

None of which excuses rudeness. They're ladies fellas, act appropriately.
Texmedic's Avatar
DAYUM - somebody needs a nap ..... or time out
I will say it again...anger issues...
Brooke be on it!!!! She keeps me with my eyes open on this board!
ZedX79's Avatar
Looks like the OP has some anger issues. No call no shows do suck, but to go off like that? Damn.
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
This site has a bad rep?